Friday, December 30, 2005
Thank goodness I've already finished typing the minutes from a meeting, Damn! Church people should learn to talk less! Then there wouldn't be soooo much to type. Soon I'll need to be buying equipment for the band, followed by printing stuff for the band, AhHh!!! and school's starting!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Honestly I have been feeling rather brainless lately. I think my brain has officially stopped functioning. I used to be able to think of things, perhaps ponder a little more. I used to be able to come up with a whole blog update (witty lines and everything) within minutes, the only problem was, I was blogless then. And finally now that I DO have a blog, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to begin penning my thoughts down. Even my diary has been rather bombarded with meaningless entries and updates. My, my, what is my brain coming to?
I began flipping through an A level Physics text passed down from a church genius. I think most of you know that A level students in general have no books what so ever. The only A level textbook I had ever seen was my sister's divinity text, which was of course, the Bible. However this brilliant chap from church was somehow able to pass me a large bag of books. about two thirds of them were Physics books. He's one person I would deem as amazing. He and his brother are both deaf/half-deaf, yet the top schools, earn scholarships and play the piano. The mother is one fantastic woman! Imagine raising 2 deaf children! They are rather filthy rich by the way, my mother was handling their purchase of a piece of property quite some time ago, (I think it was 6-7 figures) but the main point is that they were very much able to pay pretty much the whole sum without the aid of a loan. Perhaps that was only for the down payment, but for goodness sake, some of us have to get a loan to pay back the loan we still owe!
So anyways, I had a sudden realisation that I really missed school. However I'm not exactly looking forward to SAJC. So far it seems to me that its filled with flirting, back-stabbing bitches whom are cunning and conniving and suave but insolent jerks from SAS. Many ex-students namely my sister have said it to be otherwise, but so far that's what I've seen during the Open House and on the streets. Oh dear... I do hope I'm wrong. And to any SAJC-ians who were involved with the Open House, IT SUCKED!
Or maybe my irrational fear is due to the fact that I've rarely been around those of 'my kind'. Namely English educated people, or slightly more articulate people. I think the fact that I'm no longer 'up there' intimidates and offends me such that I do not want to be anywhere far from the top. I guess that's what being in a losuy neighbourhood school does to you. You jsut get so complacent and content with the simple people in your school. Unlike the Einstein remakes and 'hahhah' people you would get in schools like RGS or ACS.
Ooh.. Man I suck.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Now there they are, the 2 deers of mine.
Anyways, I was thinking a little more the other day and was pondering about the mind of a guy. Perhaps I should do a little poll here, but being so web-ignorant and not having many friends who aren't, I probably won't be able to do so. For crying out loud I don't even know how to link people to my page or to have a Chatterbox or whachamacallit. (Any kind soul is MORE than welcome to help. But don't expect any pay) Despite all these setbacks, allow me to just give you a little draft on how it would have looked like.
1. Do you deem yourself as an intellectual guy?
2. Are you a himbo? (should be easy to answer right)
3. Do you prefer girls who...
a) play the classic piano or electric guitar?
b) can carry heavy loads or can't even lift her purse?
c) complying agree-er or opiniated?
d) Self-sufficient and pretty much independant or helpless and completely dependant on all male counterparts around her?
All right I realised that the questionaire doesn't look pretty nice in the blogster format, so I shall just stop here. Anyways, I'm really busy and have tonnes of things to do. =)
My brain's getting mushy, that's why I'm beginning to think of guys. and NO i I am NOT lesbian.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Oi Sleeping Ugly!

I told myself that I would only allow my blog to be publisised by myself once I had hit a minimum of about 4 entries. Then at least people wouldn't feel disappointed when they went through all the trouble to get to this pathetic page. =) It also forced myself to write. Actually, I quite look forward to it. Not to worry, the frequency will definitely begin to dwindle once school term starts. Speaking of which I am terrified of. My short term dream (implying that it is highly impossible) is to go into SAJC for the first 3 months, sweep a CHARMING guy off his feet before moving on to TJC after the O'level results are out. MuaHaha... Am I daibolically evil or what? (If anyone reads this during my first 3 months in SA, please kindly disregard whatever said in the above lines)
All right, so my sister and I had quite similar sentiments after watching the pantomine Oi! Wake up Sleeping Beauty. It had been playwritten by Jonathan Lim, and for those who know that fat blob's predictable style, the night was filled with an endless trail of derogatry comments on the government, Singaporeans and the likes. It got a little repetative and pushy (as my sister said) once the second half commenced. Very much like Chestnuts (only then, the jokes were on gays and sex). He seems to be drying out of ideas. Hmm... Well, we had Beatrice Chia and Mark Richmond diagonally behind us, my mother was attempting to get me to get a cheap shot of them.
Oo.. and by the way, I've jsut gotten a new phone! Whoopie!
Do note that all/most of my posts always end with me either showing off myself or my things. You see I need a serious amount of ego boosting once in a while because no one cares to do me the honours anymore.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I've just returned from what felt like a 6 day camp. It was awfully draining and straining. I was pretty sure at one point that I wouldn't be able to make it back alive. In summary, I had camp, carols and practices all scheduled perfectly next to each other so much that it felt like God was out to burn me out. The stress was unbelievable too, allow me to just elaborate a little further:
Wednesday, 14 Dec 2005
(This being just 2 days after I had returned from KL) We were required to head to church in the early afternoon to help in the preperation of the children's camp. It wasn't exactly tiring, but it wasn't entirely a chalet either. I went out later with my mum to spend my MPH voucher, guess what I bought, a book! haha.
Thursday - Saturday, 15 - 17 Dec 2005
The camp consisted of us taking care of little brats aged 6-12. That is one hell of a range! Well, there wasn't much ass wiping (or whipping) but it still was tiring considering that I survived with about 3 hours of sleep each day. But the more exhausting part was the mental strain. I'm not at liberty to say but basically, we all felt like our brains had been sucked out and put back the wrong way. It didn't help that we were required to spend the entire Saturday in church even after we had broken camp. There was worship practice, then a performance practice before heading to Helping Hands to perform, and finally a very VERY stressful carolling practice which ran till 2130.
Sunday 18 Dec 2005
Since we were playing for service, it was a requirement to come to church by 830. 830 mind you, not 900, or 1000, but EIGHT THIRTY! I ended up in church by 810 (with droopy eyes)
We played for the choir at 1, then for the rest of the church at 3, then for the prisoners at 8. Somehow I feel that this may be beginning to bore you and you wouldn't like to know all the knitty gritty details. (how considerate of me (=)

All right, I'm tired of typing too. so I slept over with Constance at Nat's Gay Villa. I mean Gays' Villa. (I can't help but crack that joke!) Now I'm home and have TONNES of christmas shopping to do. Please bless me. But I did however, spend plenty of time with my 2 most favourite things in the world besides my guitars!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Pride & Prejudice

I was utterly swept off my feet as I gazed into Mr Darcy's deep dark eyes on big screen last night. The film was rather loyal in following the book, besides the fact that the producer had decided to completely exclude all tinges of nature. For those who have read the book, one would know how Ms Elizabeth Bennet seems to have a strong affinity with parks as she is very often seen taking strolls. Whether it is back home or at someone else's home. The film however, had moved all of the scenes which took place outdoors, indoors. They did ironically, shift Mr Darcy's indoor proposal to an outdoor setting where both of our stars were drenched in rain. (Boy did he look sexy there!)
Anyways, my sister was also thoroughly swept off her feet and we smiled and felt all warm and fuzzy throughout the film. This being so even when she hadn't read the book and had recieved a very much summerized account of the book from both my mother and me. I think the scriptwriter did a fantastic job. The lines of the characters were followed relatively closely and all that was added only brought about witty humour. The characters were potrayed in lovely manners as well, Mr Collins of course being the clown in the limelight. My sister found it very amusing as she heard the giggles of boys and men in the back, (we don't normally expect guys to actually watch classics) I only found a brainless bunch of St Pats boys VERY annoying as they laughed merely for the sake of laughing. Incompetant Idiots.
My, this entry looks more like a review. But who says I can't write reviews on a blog? Haha, I was thinking of what I wanted to write about whilst I was in the pool just a while ago. I came up with several good and well versed ideas, but once again, my flitting mind disallowed me to focus on the topic on which I wanted to write about. Oh I do apologise for my brain which is SO saturated with thoughts that it hinders my writing so.
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Beginning
I ultimately think blogging is actually very good. It's good for the psychotic souls who need to blabber incessently whether there is or is not an audience (E.g. Moi). It's REALLY great for the pathetic, low-self-esteem people who wallow endlessly in their pity and failed fantasies (although this leads to their blog being extremely SucKy) And it's extremely beneficial to those who actually choose to Write full paragraphs of text which make sense and rhythm to perhaps, improve their English in their futile attempts to do well for GP.
Unlike those who write like this to 'create impact'.
Or to rite lyke thish onesh...
Or those who choose to plainly be...
Or, Bisyllabic.
Forgive me for I tend to create my own words to express myself. I am, after all, part of the former of the latters which are so very offensive in nature. (Basically my English sucks and I'm trying to improve it by blogging. HaH.)
Now then, seeing that it seems as if I have written a considerable amount of which I am rather proud of, I shall choose to cease my pen here. (As the Chinese always say 'ting bi') Anyways, Ryan Cabrera has invaded my head and I can no longer think clearly enough to write impressively long and complex sentences.
HAHA. Man, I am such an egotist.