Sunday, October 26, 2008

time Flies

I've finally decided to settle down and have kids.

If that were true then the title of this post would REALLY be apt. haha.

After spending the last 10 months part-timing around, finally the once distant reality of me flying off keeps nearing. I suddenly realised that, By JOve I have 3.5 months left before I begin my tertiary education! Which is really really worrying to me because I think I have practically lost my mental capability of studying and remembering obscure yet important facts. I make a directional mistake almost everytime I drive now, e.g. turning into the wrong highway, going into the wrong lane and swerving out on the chevron marking, etc. I just can't seem to register things like roads, directions, facts, what not. And it's driving me INSANE!

So today I'm embarking on my new mission to restart my gears. Yes I'm going to start studying whatever subject there is to study. Linguistics, Psychology, Biology, anything.

Another thing about time flying is that I've finall come to the end of teaching my tuition kids.

They were such the unexpected loveliest bunch of kids! I still remember the initial few lessons where you guys were all s0o0oo00 quiet. (For a moment I thought I was spending all my energy on something that wasn't alive leh!) I guess after you guys began to warm up, plus yokecheng coming into class suddenly released a whole tsunami of talking! And I enjoyed every minute of the funny comments and ideas you guys said, haha. (I enjoyed even more marking funny answers on your worksheets)

I regret not baking you guys cookies!

And oops I'm still in the process of typing the questions out for you all. I'm adding in a few more I found.

Jiayou for next year and the years to come ok! All of you have that smartness in you one, just that right now it maybe buried and not as obvious to your teachers through your results, but individually, I can see that you guys aren't dumb for sure (cos you all managed to answer the questions I asked you) haha, whether it's being sharp at details, or being inquisitive, or having a good sense of logic, all of that is in you guys! :D

All righti, pictorials~

The cupboard which I built!! Looks easy? The drilling was killer. PLUS, after I pieced the cupboard together, my mum told me she needed 2 more huge holes at the back. Wah piang wey. But we managed it with quite some trauma and no injuries.

Melamine MelamineMelamineMelamine. bad engrish as usual of Sweettalk. The last one was 'Water Cheatnut' instead of 'Water Chestnut'.

And she jsut looked so cute and random in the middle of the floor. She's currently the youngest daughter of a mum who has 5 daughters and 1 more on the way! So essentially, she's no longer the youngest. 6 daughters!! How lovely is that??

Monday, October 20, 2008

I hate PMS!!!

Yesterday I had a record breaking 5 people who consecutively told me I was fat/getting fatter.

*emos to oneself*

BUt my colleague had a really funny statement of comfort, she said, (she's filipina) 'at least you get big eberywhere, and not just your head, or arm, or this part or that part... '

Haha, I couldn't help but laugh at her futile attempt to ease my pain.

I always tend to stop work at all the wrong times. Argh. fixed

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


What's more traumatic than shooting in a reverse bungee, diving with the great white sharks, dropping your new $400 handphone or looking into your kitchen sink and seeing a dinosaur-of-a-lizard?

I tell you:

Handling a power Power Drill in the comfort of your home without supervision.

Wah lau the sound of the drill so scary la! I ge-gao-ingly (act-clever-ly) decided to help my mum drill through the softboard backing of her new television shelf for her to put her VCR wires through when she sets it up. I took my time tto read through the instructions of the power power drill ( I keep saying power power because I think it was super power la) And I can bet that all these power tool manufacturers have no EQ man. Either they're really smart enough to know the redundance of instruction manuals to guys because the instruction manual I was looking at was so darn sparse compared to the one you find with IKEA's furniture that I might as well just fired myself off into assembling the drill shit and all. They think everyone who operates a drill has enough testosterone and egos big enough to allow them to operate a dangerous tool without first looking at instructions la!

So with bated breath and sweat forming at every single pore on the surface of my body, I drilled stupid holes into the softboard. Compared to my secondary school years I think my drilled holes look nicer and straighter, but wah kao eh, damn stressful la!! I bet I lost more sweat than the F1 drivers after a race.

Now I need to find sandpaper.. Wah kao.

Sorry I just can't stop cursing

Wah piang eh, drill so scary lor.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New kids on the Block!

This is the new craze I'm having, check on the dimples on the lead singer Ngak! (sooo to die for!) The first 5minutes of the video maybe quite boring if you can't understand chinese at all, so just skip to the 5th minute or so and listen to their version of ji ba ban. Cons you'll so love this! (and his dimples!)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Laggy Post!!

I'm back!! (For the past 2 weeks) Just that I started work so soon after I touched down that I didn't get the chance to upload my photos from the phone only till 3 days back and again didn't ge the chance to blog about the trip till now.

I woke up at 11 today!! How fantastic that feels every once in a while. All right, so lets get down to business. Made a trip down to look at UQ plus hopefull set my mum's mind at ease so that she doesn't pack up and leave with me, however this trip shot me in the foot in some ways. For instance, she's now decided to come down with me for the first few days to help me 'settle down'. I shall not dwell upon that because I know that most people don't share my viewpoint on this matter.

So... the school was gorgeous! I always had this ideal image that Unis overseas would be full of lucious green fields, great architechture and students walking about worry-free with a perpetual smile plastered on because they truly are happy, birds chirping and butterflies singing.... Oops. yes that was Utopia in my mind and I never expected UQ to be actually close to this. It isn't really like that, but it ain't far off either. (THey had this HUGE lake in school! And green green grass!!) Omg I sound like a cow who can't wait to chew the school field barren.

Lucky Siyi, this is the Law building. It was so huge that I tried to get a picture of it from the outside, not a very nice picture because I thought, hey, I'm gonna be there for 4 years, surely I'll be able to get better photographs, but this one's just a carrot hanging on a stick for Siyi. Hehheh... Sandstone buildings!!

While in Brisbane we met Lionel's Aunt and her daughter Shyanne and her cousin Kelvin. There's nothing more adorable than a couple of Asian kids blabbering in an Aussie accent about thigns you're clueless about and yet they get each other perfectly. My sister took videos of their funny antics, I'll post them up once she gets them out of her camera. They're sooo adorable!!
Plus Shyanne's dad cooks the BEST chinese/vietnamese food in the entire world I swear. We ate there 2 consecutive days and didn't get sick of it. We never got enough of it in fact!

Now we went off to Gold Coast on Thursday. This is the carpark of the famous Movie World! You see those 2 things sticking out in the air?? Those are the 2 newest rides Batman something and Superman something. Freakin' high!!!

Here's the superman one from a closerup shot. If you notice, despite perspective faults, the slope going down is almost perpendicular to the ground. Actually, it is! I cannot describe the amount of adrenaline in my blood that day, I think I would've burst! But Superman was fantastic, they accelerate you from 1-100km/h in 2seconds. TWO SECONDS LEH! You feel like your heart is left behind (somehow this cliche line seems only apt in this context) Following this killer slope is a series of other less killer slopes but at killer speeds. Soooo. That's Superman. a must try for all going to Movie World in time to come.

More random pictures, Here's my mum acting as the funka' mama.

Back to Sunny Singapore, aren't these shoes gorgeous?? New Balance's new series! Sadly they're all men's shoes, but they're extremely affordable at their factory outlet at Comtec, this ulu building at Harbour front. Any of you people need $40 sports shoes??