Ok, unknown to many (myself in cluded), I was actually practically clueless about the storyline and plot of Twilight. Initially when Shiyun mentioned it, I thought it was some remake of the classic Twilight Zone (you know scary music, ne ne ne ne, ne ne ne ne) Haha.. Then she enlightened me that it was a love story between a vampire and a human, (which to me was kinda funny since its like, a love story between a human and a piece of steak)
And knowing that it was more of a bimbo show for us girls to swoon at Mr Blood-Sucker, I envisioned something along the lines of Wild Child, but with less pink, blond and light.
Boy was I wrong.
It felt as if I had stepped into a roller coaster thinking it was a kiddy ride and coming to realise that there are a gazillion monstrous slopes and loop-the-loops. Plus Cathay took the initiative to make the movie experience a 4D experience by turning the airconditioning to sub-zero so that we could feel in the movie. Wah piang wey. The music so scary and the tension was beyond what I expected for a teenage-y chic-flick!
For those who havent watched it, I've concluded that if you have read the book, you'd probably say it was disappointing blah blah blah. But if you have not read the book, don't read it, watch the movie and then read it. (maximising entertainment value this way mah)
Happy New Year!