Thursday, December 24, 2009
And I feel bad for abandoning nat with caroling, because church is just too far.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
1) It's cooler here in Singapore than it is in 35 degree-ed Brisbane
2) My sister has moved out meaning I get my own cupboard space and room at home
3) I'm still fat, but not as fat as I was in July so my clothes not as uncomfortable
4) The house really just has much much more space as compared to when I came back in July
5) Christmas mood is kicking in, so people are nicer (seemingly)
6) I feel more zen because a year has passed and this holiday seems incredibly long
7) Got the whole house to myself during the day
8) If you notice I keep emphaising the house, I think being in Brisbane has really spoilt my perception of personal space. I now find that incredible incredibly important.
Ironically I'm much happier this round even though I'm lacking so many things, e.g.:
1) I left my guitar in Brisbane because I brought home mangoes instead
2) The person I've been spending the most time with over the past few months is now stuck in some God-forsaken farm in the middle of the desert, way past Rockhampton and busy playing with cow udders and bull testicles (I kid you not) Oh yes, not to forget stomping around in tonnes bullshit as well!
3) I have no internet at home. Relying on WirelessSG and my sister's internet
4) I have a very limited mobile phone plan of <100>
And their wedding rings. Nice hor? I take picture one.. hahah.. They're mismatched if you noticed
Friday, November 13, 2009
Going home
The little boy in the grreen cap is Max! My kid whom I've been seeing the entire of this semester and half of last semester! I regret not giving him a big hug before leaving though!
This semester has been so incredibly different from the last that it almost seems as if I've been here for more than a year. And I bet next semester's gonna be a hell lot more different again! I'm a little afraid when I think about the potential differences and changes I have to go through again, such as moving out of hostel into our own (rented) apartment, which literally entails living independantly on your own, cooking and cleaning your own toilet, vaccumming the house, doing the laundry and getting groceries from swakoo supermarkets without mummy to drive you around,
I realised I'm really spoilt with what we have in Singapore. Our safe and secure neighbourhood which allows me to accidentally leave handphones in taxis and STILL get them back (unlike our SUPER FRIENDLY neighbours across the causeway), how we have bus stops walking distances away and buses which arrive at 5 minute intervals or less and not HALF AN HOUR APART. Train stations that are walkable (city hall to bugis to raffles) and not across the freaking river.
But a few things I absolutely love here is their regard for human rights and welfare. THe poster they currently have up on the buses (I'll take a shot the next time I get on one) goes somethign like this:
In 2009 837,449 passengers commuted using Queesland Transport services,
We hope you've enjoyed our service.
Please thank our drivers with a smile =)
It was really really sweet and thoughtful of the government to do something like that. Perhaps to us they're inefficient or lazy (which the aussies themselves often admit to) , but think about it, when we all turn 60 and you look in comparison at the 2 groups of people again, who has more savings? us. Who's retired? them. Who's enjoying themselves and feeling more content? THEM. I don't think it's fair to say they're slack, it's they're policies which make them knock off at 5pm and not do over-time!
A lecture a couple of weeks back on Organisational Psychology really put things into perspective. Look it up and give it a quick read, I hadn't heard of it much till I actually had the lecture. It's basically all the common sense we never really put into common use. Such as worker's satisfaction and such for the sake of the company. It's something I think we really lack. A good demonstration of organisational psyc is with companies like Apple and Google. why do they do so well and why do their employers stay? Because they're damn happy to. They even get laundry done for them sometimes!
When I go back I want a bicycle, Chiochio, bring me go buy from IMM ok? And I shall cycle home from there. (Therefore it's your job to make sure I don't get lost)
Random, heh.
I spent 1.5 hours driving to buy BRANDS chicken essence from chinatown, which is about 25 minutes drive away from hostel (not including jam) so... I got lost as usual, and it was freaking hot la. But the people here are SO helpful!! I stopped at pizza hut to ask for help, and the cook let me come into the kitchen as the delivery guy explained the route to me. haha.. then I got lost again and this time this awesome Irish uncle got me to follow his very nice BMW sports car to where I needed to go. They're just so trusting and helpful here. My dad's now extremely cynical when it comes to helping and I doubt he'd ever help anyone again because he got screwed over by this asshole of a motorcyclist last year who accused him of causing him to crash. And my dad helped him to the hospital la.
Insurance paid the freaking retard $20, 000 and my dad had to fork out another $800 and 3 month driving suspension. Now he drives something else... he drives my mum up the wall and I think she's about to crash.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
wait for it...
Doesn't really deliver the effect I'd like, but that's the best I can give on black and white.
I haven't touched the computer in ages, I think when I go home I'll die, just a heads up, I won't have internet when I get home cos my sister's moved it to her new home. I no longer have a phoneline (I Think) and will probably be using my sister's old old line.
ahahhhhhhh!!!I donwan move house. We got an apartment you know? so exciting, feels as new as a HDB flat, which, trust me, is rare here in St Lucia because they exploit us students by making us pay sky high prices for sloppy places.
I take pitcher show you all next time.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
I love how most of the speech path tutors here interject their seminars and lectures with little anecdotes about their clinical experience and how they've spent years and years dealing with children/adults/funny peeper. It's a very subtle yet pretty much stark reminder of what life as a speech path is really going to be like. The proffessionalism that's required of you, the mannerisms and responsibility entrusted unto you. It's not just about mugging and getting information, it's a hell lot of people skills and human interaction. THAT's why I chose this course, because I'll get to interact and 'man-handle' clients. haha, ok wrong term la..
Yay... It's nice to have drive. hopefully this zeal and passion will last over the past 6.5 weeks, and then it's home! Wah lao my mudder dun care me already, she's sooo busy with work that she never calls me anymore unless I call her to call me back, then it's a quick 5 minute conversation at most where she tells me a client is here before I can even finish my verbal diarrhoea. They sold the old house already never even tell me la, wah laoooo.. Later I go back got new cat in the house also dunno ah
Had such a hilarious weekend with paul around last week, haha, I drove so much that I think I covered the equivalent distance of going across Singapore 6 times in just over 4 days. The airport itself is abuot 50km away, Gold Coast is 65km away, and the car kept overheating. It was damn stressful though when smoke started coming out of the car, but freaking hilarious now that I think about it. haha...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Dust and more
My nose is peeling like an orange and I'm coughing up phlegm like how a persian coughs up furballs, and I'm wheezing like a chain smoker after climbing just 4 flights of stairs. All thanks to the stupid stupid dust storms over the weekend. But it's all much better now, I'm glad I didn't get a chest infection like how a number of people here did, gosh they sound like hell. It's as if I storm's perpetually brewing in their chest or something and they can cough up enough phlegm to drown the whole college.
Basically the dust storm hit once on Friday, and again on Saturday. Looks like a sepia-fied picture right? Wrong.. it's ALL DUST. I didn't realise how well the camera captured the dust until I compared it to a picture I took this morning on a clear day. It's amazing!
On another random note, it's amazing how the sunsets make the muddy river look so awesome. Ain't it gorgeous?
It was awesome seeing and feeling the rugby crowd during one of the games I was there working at. I think my sentence damn jialat. Anyways, ya, it was a game between the Broncos, one of the favourite teams. All I can say is that Australians truly live up to their beer drinking traditional image!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
There was a little worm crawling over my anatomy practical worksheet that day, it was a really tiny fella, pretty cute. He's now unfortunately deceased because I 'accidentally' squished him after exploiting him in this short video. He was freaking puny la, like a moving comma.
Ok I'm off to see my kid at the kindy!! :D
Sunday, September 06, 2009
One hellova week
I managed to find a super part-time casual job! It's basically back to F&B, doing casual events as and when they come (which seems to be pretty frequent with football/rugby/ping pong/whatever ball season that's in right now) After spending more than half a year from hardcore F&B work, I must say that yesterday was the LONGEST 2 hours I've ever spent. I swear my little toe is officially dead. It was exciting, getting to work in a foreign country, because it didn't really feel like a foreign country at all. Firstly, serving ang mohs are the easiest by far. I must say that Aussies are an awesome chilled group of people, unlike us fussy, perpetually complain-y Signaporean customers. Aussies are pretty casual most of the time, and even back in singapore, I really enjoyed serving them amongst all the different foreigners. (french were a pain in the ass most times)
Secondly, all the other waitstaff were foreigners, much like singapore. Only difference was that these people were from Brazil, Africa and and not the sterotypical asian countries we assume. It was pretty interesting listening to their conversation. Finding work for them can be pretty tough, and most of them are cleaners in places such as hostels and such. (We're so used to seeing old ah-mas and ah-peks cleaning our schools and toilets, seeing people who aren't way past their retirement age was something different). Don't you think we have sucky human rights/welfare policies/principles? Many cultures frown upon making someone be at your beck and call 24/7 (maids) and being only paid $250 a month, even more would look on us with disapproval for making an old person do physically demanding tasks for only slightly more than that amount. One thing I must agree with our principal back at St Hilda's, don't think of our school cleaners as cleaners, look at them and think that they are someone's grandma or grandpa.
How did my complain-y whin-y post get turned into one about Welfare? aiyoo..
One thing awesome here is the emphasis they place on worker's welfare and rights. We all need to have a COMPULSARY half hour break, we all have insurance covering any injury, we get paid a whoooping $18/hr.
But one thing I still cannot tahan here is the shitty obscure public transport system. As much as they paid, I ended up taking a cab home for $15 cos the bloody buses/trains/ferries/cable car/helicopters/jets stopped functioning around midnight. Wah lao eh can die la, it's annoying when you're actually pretty near, but just have no way to get there.
(I want to buy a scooter!)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So.. pictures from random spaces and places. Sorry I didn't get to meet up a tonne of people during the July break, (sorry Jerome! I promise I'm gonna try out your guitar at the end of the year!) :D
Ee why the font liddat one. This fella was damn cute la, he was like a 2 year old randomly coming up to people and unafraid of strangers. and his fur was SOOO soft!! (like a baby's bottom, heh heh)
Wah haven't blog so long.. Damn shiok la. (See, I'll never lose my Singaporean accent, not in a million years)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Random update!!
Let's see what interesting things have happened...
I watched the NDP via satellite! (Ironic seeing how I don't even watch it on normal occasions)
My hostel had a huge cultural day called Soiree and the nasi lemak from the Malaysian stall sent half the residents to the toilets at 5am the next day with diarrhoea. It was pretty amazing cos you could hear all the flushes going at once! The aussies got it worse though, they puked their guts out the whole day too!
It hailed about 4 nights ago~ Ice cubes falling!
And it's beginning to get hot hot hot here, pretty cold at night, but now the days are just starting to be like summer again. Yuckk
I finally got a chance to play guitar duets with someone!! Which was awesome since she was doing most of teh hard work, hehheh...
OK I is go and stardie now. Never thought I would not want to update my blog. Schtoopid internet. It worked fine in Singapore, I suppose after a while we all get tired and bored of sharing our lives with the world.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I cannot put picture!
=( Neh mind
I had an interesting flight back, and learnt several things.
1) the best seat on the plane is with the pregnant ladies/mothers because you enjoy great leg room.
2) It's even better when they have kids because they tend to be extra nice to anyone who sits next to them because they feel apologetic whenever their child cries/moves/screams/farts.
3) If a baby's crying because the ear pressure's hurting him, try making him swallow by dropping water into his mouth or, I kid you not, hold the baby upside down. (They say one)
4) SQ don't allow you to carry guitars onboard apparently.
I found the entire setting of my flight to be rather interseting and ironic in some sense. There I was, sitting between 2 Australian mothers who were returning back to Brisbane for a break from their expatriate lifestyles in Singapore. And I, a foreigner returning to their home which I call home while they leave their husbands and homes and go home. Farnie right? har har. I know not farnie la. It was nice talking to them and hearing their views about our country, especially from an expat's point of view. Most times we just label them as such, the ang mohs who live in Orchard. (Actually, they really do) and who shop in Tanglin and eat at Dempsey (which these 2 ladies also happened to do quite frequently) I wonder how many expatriates actually visit our Heartland areas? Besides Clementi, I've never seen an ang moh set foot on any other housing board area.
Life as an expat, how interesting. Free yet stifling.
I didn't eat Old Chang Kee chicken wings! wah lao!
And I'm sorry I only got to meet a few people, this holiday was truly... packed. Cannot believe the amount of days I spent out roaming the city, catching movies, catching up, catching buses and trains, it always seems to be a chase back in Singapore eh?
Friday, June 26, 2009
But somehow I suddenly feel like going back to brisbane too
I'm sorry for the lack of updates, my youtube and blogger have been pretty wonky lately and I'm gonna try and ask Liner to fix it. Hopefully my laptop doesn't die on me, I've finally built a relationship with it.
ARGH why so blarrdy hot!!!
I wans to goes homes =(
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mid study-break break
I can't wait for December!! This is officially (hopefully) my sister's aisle song, although I doubt she'll have to cover the amount of distance to last a 4 minute song. Unless she decides to have a couple of slow lorises preceding her and a 2 year old flower girl who decides to inspect every flower petal before throwing it to the ground.
If not her walk down the aisle should take less than a minute.
Oh my gosh I just can't wait for it all to be pieced together when the big day comes! And don't you think the song is just so perfect for weddings? Listen to what Lea Salonga says about the song, just splendid =)
It's such a teary song though, damn sweet la! :D:D
Oh boy! SO Exciting!!! :D
Perhaps I should abandon my course and become a full fledged Wedding planner. HAHA
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
It's Winter!
We have fireplaces!!! I set a fire that day, but a very puny one though. Here's a picture of something called Damper being cooked. Basically it's a sort of scone which you can simply cook by chucking it into the fire. They add beer to the dough sometimes, which is what we did on Tuesday. It tastes AWESOME when it's warm (but a little funny due to the beer)
We should do this back home!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wave Motion
It's been a pretty nice day.=)
We were going through something called Garden Path sentences in Linguistics the other day, and boy are they confusing. Take a look at these sentences:
The rat the cat the dog teased chased ate the cheese.
The elephant squeezed into a telephone booth collapsed.
He helped the old lady across the road.
Before the police stopped the driver panicked.
The pen the author the editor liked used was new.
The horse raced past the barn fell.
Which of the following would you consider grammatically correct?
Guess what, they're ALL grammatically correct sentences. It's just that comprehending them requires more than our brain can provide sometimes. If you give them a read through again you'll be able to understand. Fun eh?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I feel like Noah
Been raining for practically 48 hours, which is SWELL because I have no school for the rest of the week, (implying that I can actually cuddle up in my bed whilst people at uni get all cold and squishy... muhahaha)
=) Yay Rain rocks!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Toy Shopping
.jpg)
Anyways, I can finally say...
I'm home sick!!!
I hate getting those sudden bouts of homesickness when I'm doing my work, like...
Missing the blueberry buns from the bread shop downstairs
The funky smell of Plaza Singapura (it does have a really weird smell, really!)
Being able to sit at a hot, crowded kopi tiam eating lousy western food
Eating the AWESOME grilled chicken from the Marina Square food court and chilling with Feifei (we shall do that when I get back fei!).
Oo! Walking along the Esplanade
tapping my hideous EZ Link card on the musty 106
GROCERY SHOPPING with my family!! (I miss NTUC)
Where the word 'satay' means meat on sticks and not a fusion curry/peanut/sweet flavouring they put in the sauce and blend with mysterious things
Having unlimited use of the internet and not having to scrimp on Youtub-ing
Being able to call my friends when I want and wherever I want and not just see them on the screen
Just nuah-ing on my sofa watching recorded episodes of Hannah Montana (Omg I'm gonna spend a day watching all the episodes)
Rushing to grab a coffee and muffin at the East Coast Starbucks before church service at 9!
Having food portions that are of human proportions and not that of a giant's
Jay walking! hehheh
having my laundry being done by my mum for meeee
The national library and the amazing breeze that goes through the building because of the air pocket created around the building. AND the smell of the library!
walking around in horrible ugly t-shirts and FBTs when I go down to buy stuff
The list goes on and on, I'm sorry if it bores you or makes you feel more homesick (for us who are far from home), but typing all this out actually helps me deal with it much better. It allows you to reminisce in a very sweet manner, the way you would look back and remember fond memories of your childhood or of someone. =)
I watched the Butterfly Effect again, I shall talk about that another time though, it'll probably be quite boring.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Anyways I feel bad for not giving a proper update in ages, I feel as if my life has been jiggled, swiggled, blended and swirled. Habits and routines have changed and it's frustrating how I can't get some things to go back to what it was a month ago. For instance the simple act of NOT falling asleep everyday after breakfast, (which is practically as good as waking up late) It's just something that bothers me, I strongly take pride in waking up at 630 everyday/
Talked to my mum today and she said,
'Eh, so how's the Heenee in Austraila?'
I was like, What?? What heenee?
'Heenee la, H1N1 virus!'
Hahha, apparently for the first few days of all the newspaper articles she thought that the virus was the HINI virus, damn hilarious!!! Trust my mum to be so full of nonsense! haha, she rocks.
Funfact of the day! Do you know English originates from a German dialect? That's why the two languages are actually so similar! (Go Mings for German!)
And do you know we have 8 bones just at our wrist? There were more funny things I've found out during our morning breakfast conversations with people studying various subjects, just that I can't remember them all.
Let's fight HEENEE together!!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stupid Things I've done over the past 60 hours
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I've effectively had a million fluctuations just in one day. sucks. bleacgh.
Lunch was awesome though! The rice today was actually FLUFFY and correctly cooked! *Gasp!*
2 more months, and it feels like forever at this point of time.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Break is OVER
Ok picure time, because my brain is still slightly fuzzy from the after effects of all the events.
Guess what??? More colours!!! NAt and I went slightly deranged at the sight of coloured scrapbook paper and embellishments, we split the 'goods' cos I'll be preparing for my sister's scrapbook for the end of this year! Yay can't wait! :D:D
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Suddenly time is on my hands (ignoring the shitload of work I have to do before term starts again)
I watched 10 Things I Hate About You for the gazillionth time!
5 minutes ago I felt like I wanted the world to end and I just wanted to eat myself. After an hour of talking cock and laughter therapy with a couple of girls, I feel like I'm ready to take on the world and the rest of its shit!
Thank God for them, and once again I'm amazed at how polar I can be sometimes, scares me. oooooooooo000o0ooo0o0o0
I went toiletry shopping today!! :D:D What made it more awesome was that when I told this to a couple of people they actually shared my joy with me, how sweet is that. There's nothing suckier than being happy/excited and telling someone only to have them stare blankly at you or think you're crazy.
Can't wait for this Sunday!!!! Gleams!!!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
It's raining now, which is sooo awesome because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when other people out at school are freezing their leg hairs off and having their umbrellas blown in their faces. (I was in that sad predicament about an hour ago when I ended lecture) But now I'm safe, warm and comfy in my room with no sun in my room. Which, once again, is AweSOmme!!
Haha. Excuse my slight madness, no I'm not high on drugs or beer or goon or whatever shit they ingest. Just that this morning was pretty good cos the hostel baked croissants for breakfast! My eyes lit up with delight like a 2 year old getting chocolates because International House(IH) makes fantastic croissants and hadn't done so for ages. I'd been craving for the Fantastic Croissants for weeks now! I told a couple of people sitting with me that I was so happy to have croissants that I felt like I was back home in singapore. Not because they tasted like the ones in Singapore(which suck) but because I was so happy it was as good as me being back home. Can understand?
It was really funny when one of the Austrailian guys we were sitting with said he really had trouble understanding us when we spoke really fast and with no intonation, as we Singaporeans like to do. Even if we do speak with our regular levels of intonation, it still isn't quite like how they intonate. I find it really interesting doing Speech in Australia because speech/language problems don't just arise from being hit in the head too hard or have short tongues etc but also from learning English as a second language. Cultural background is quite a major issue when it comes to Speech. (I see a potential honours thesis coming from here. )
Anyways, here're a couple of pictures since I decided to do a mid-week update because of the AwEsomme weather. :D
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Guess who I met?
It was so nice to see her and talking to her was the easiest thing ever, it was as if I was talking to someone I knew for ages. Honestly sometimes I can get pretty worn down and frustrated here, because all my close friends are so far away and as easy as it is to call/sms/msn, there're still it's limitations. It doesn't help that most of you guys sleep late and I sleep really early, so it just widens our time zone difference by another 2 hours, haha. I appreciate having people here I know, and knowing more people as well, but sometimes everyday seems like a social event. Yesterday I was telling Siyi that I didn't feel like socialising by going out for dinner with a group of people we knew, and that I would rather either go back home or go out with Aaron and his Ipswich gang. This may seem contradictory - isn't that still considered socialising? But the difference I guess was the fact that I've know Aaron for relatively long, and hanging out with him doesn't constitute 'socialising', because you don't socialise with friends, you socialise to make friends. Well that's how I felt but shhh don't tell anyone. Haha.
Sometimes weekends are such a pain in the ass because the day is long and you're obliged to stay in and do work and not get distracted, which of course I do a lot. I ended up watch Wild Child instead of reading up on Language Disorders in Children. Gah. Watching movies are so unhealthy. Anyways allow me to take movie orders. It takes me like 2 minutes to download one movie. Feel free to throw suggestions and requests at me. =)
Anyways it's 8am and I need to go collect my laundry.
Miss you guys as always!! ( Nat I just realised that Easter break week is gonna be REALLY quite bad for Aaron and I cos of assignments, there're days that I might just force you to sit down and read so that I study, haha. So bring entertainment in case ok! Or we can buy craft stuff and you can do it in my room.) Love ya!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lazy Sunday
All right I promised Feifei pictures of UQ! Honestly, they're quite disappointing because I just walked as far as the Law building before getting to lazy and going back for dinner at 530. Yes dinner is at 530 everyday because the staff want to go home. So behold! The pictures!
I would consider this the front of the school, though it's essentially the back of the building, (at least to me) But generally the layout and architechture of the school is centralised around this building (Which happens to be the LOR[law] Building) This is also known as building 1 of the 70+ buildings in UQ, which means it was the first to be built. The sandstone walls are gorgeous aren't they?
Apart from a whole bunch of libraries which UQ boasts about CONSTANTLY, we also have a bunch of museums (which nat shall explore with me when she comes) And outside the Art Museum lies this artpiece known as: Happy Ending.
Haha, cute right? Makes my day whenever I pass it.
I must say that despite the heat, Brisbane has the lovliest skies in the evening and mornings. This is Twilight (Edward!) haha. My hostel lies beyond beyond that building, which I have no idea is what anyways.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
And my floormate/neighbour all dressed up as a Leprochon for St Patrick's Day one evening. It's another excuse to drink booze la.
Haha. Miss bubble tea!!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The end of Week One! (Only!?)
Cheesy Channel 8 Dramas with the horrible acting and cliche storylines
Being able to use the internet without worrying about bloody quotas
Being able to use my mobile without worrying about the credit left inside (I loathe prepaid)
Being able to nuah on a my sofa/bed not worrying whether it's dirty
Calling my friends and seeing them whenever and wherever, not in a place that's miles away
Flat ground. Stupid gah-ments seem to enjoy building tertiary institutions on hills. Look at NUS and UQ, I bet they pakat and decide that it's cheaper not to level out the land.
Drinks which don't cost as much as a meal in Singapore. Miniumum pricing here seems to be $3 for drinks and chocolates
Anyways, pictures! I have yet to take pictures of the campus. I keep forgetting to bring out the camera when I go out! Hence, today's pictures are mainly about.... my room and other miscellaneous things. heh heh...
As many of you know Australia's an extremely environmental and strongly encourage different sorts of sustainabilty programmes, and boy does this rub off. Instead of buying a pencil holder for $2....
Proudly constructed from a biscuit box and miserably decorated.
Siyi and I were looking throught the classifieds yesterday as we were almost bored to tears on a weekend. I must say that the newspapers are the most hilarious and economical entertainment ever. I shall buy the newspapers every weekend, look at the stuff they sell/give away!!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Weekly update!
A bad panoramic picture of the view from Mount Cootha, kind of like our Mount Faber but way way colder.