I've been living the housewife life lately, one which I'm honestly, not too keen to start on just yet! It's only been a week and a bit since my last official summer holidays have started, and I've had many periods of 'headless-chickeness' (whereby I feel utterly aimless and have nothing productive to do) over the past week. And of course there are the times where I go and spy on voyeur on people through blogs and what not.
Although it's been quick and I'm about to finish my final year of my degree, most of my peers and friends have either already graduated, or are 6 months or so away from graduation. I was just looking at Joan's blog that day and had this realisation that she now fills the shoes of the people we were all once under the mercy of...
Whereas Fei has gone off to work in the area of couselling, both jobs have something very much in common...
Gosh, how we've all entered and gone through multiple phases in life, and we're not even halfway through. Neither are these phases (ie. Junior college, uni, work, etc), even comparable to the trials and challenges our parents face in parenthood or marriage. 22 years of my life down... a heap more of years left to go!
(I do feel like such a child when I think about how much more there is in life that I've yet to experience)