Sunday, May 07, 2006


Here's a post for all the females out there who share my sentiments; Guys these days just seem to get more and more insensitive, unimpressive and disrespectful. Now if you're one with testerone and shaking your head in disagreement to this statement, just hear me out for now.

I'm not completely sure if a majority of the female population share my view on how our male counterparts should know how to treat a lady. In my personal view, guys should consistantly be on the look out on public trains and buses to give up their seat willingly to the old folk who comes up the train or even to the office lady. Or how they can afford to be more initiative in offering to help a girl return her cutlery or buy her her drink on the way to the canteen. I'm not insisting that guys should begin picking up the role of Mariam the maid but little actions such as these compliment the idea of females being the fairer sex. Recently, I'm beginning to lose hope on ever finding this kind of chivalry and am glad enough if the guy next to me agrees to return his own plate without much hassle.

Actually, the thing that really puts me off the most and which I regard as a basic courtesy that guys should have concerns their behaviour in front of girls. Now perhaps it's because it doesn't occur to them but FYI, we don't really delight in the little anecdotes or jokes about frivoulous sex and what not. Fine if you really can't help yourself and talk about it, but couldn't you at least wait till the girls aren't around to hear about how gays do their Thang. Not nice.

This is just my point of view as a female, I have been wondering whether guys have been expressing their disappointment with the fairer sex amongst themselves like how girls do. For instance perhaps how girls these days don't have high frequency voices which are sweet enough to send the bees flying, or how girls are not gu niang enough, or perhaps maybe how girls these days don't have long enough hair or not sweet enough, I don't know. I'm not a guy. I think should conduct interviews on both parties and view the dissatisfactions, yes, then everyone will be happy with everyone and we'll all go on and procreate happily ever after.

Man I should have used this for PI or something.

1 comment:

shiningstars said...

oh my! muahahaha it sent me sprawling on the floor .yar there was this old man molesting this girl our age at kovan mrt.and the guys just looked ! ahhhhhhhhh what men !!!!!!!
there are nice guys arnd larz =)))) just tt they havent crossed ur path yet .god has his plans =)))0