Monday, March 12, 2007


Haha, in view of all the mad mugging going around for the next few days, my considerate friend forwarded this hilarious mail that we can all make use of should we forgo mugging and decide to write crap during exams. This seems to be an extremely viable option for us Physics students when even understanding the question is a problem as terms you've never seen before are thrown into sentences with grammatical structures you never knew existed either.

I particularly like this one!
I must say his art's pretty good.

And let's not forget our poor Bio students, I'm sure memorising stuff about miniscule organisms you can hardly see may seem senseless and futile at times.

I know it's blur, it's some question on determinig the sex of cats, I think you can guess for yourself what the answer was!
And for our Math-haters!! I'm sure you've seen some of them before:

I really really like this one!! haha...
Not forgetting this classic.

I posted the Chemistry one in November 2006, look at the archives if you want to see that one, it's hilarious as well, haha...

Okay poor servents of the education system, continue mugging!!

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