Thursday, December 22, 2011


The classmates of my secondary school class met up last night. It's been a while since we've been 16, some of us area already working adults who can no longer use classes and exams as excuses.  IC numbers apparently now start with T00... as opposed to our S89... or S95... id numbers (which was a revelation to me), and dinner table discussions are starting to revolve around the topic of...


The conversation started as everyone curiously interogated the only married person in our class, how did it happen, where are they staying, how did he propose yadda yadda yadda. And of course HDB comes into the topic once you're talking about marriage in Singapore. And suddenly, it surfaced that another 2 other girls have been applying for flats as well. 

After listening to all the talk about government grants, prices, locations, etc etc etc, I went home and said to my mum (being typically singaporean)

'Mummy, Mummy, all my friends all applying for HDB already, I also want leh..'

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