Sunday, September 02, 2012

Mr Moon

Some of you might know that a blue moon occured on Friday night. A blue moon simply means that a second full moon occurs within one calender month, and occurs every 2.5 years or so. (And is not actually blue). IT was like any other full moon, bright and amazing, but the following night, was what surprised me more.

Here's a little poem I came up with (half when I was about to go to sleep, and the other half when I sat down to write this post). It's not a fancy, difficult poem, I would say it takes on a style more of that of a children's poem:

Last night as I lay in bed,
With eyelids heavy in my head,
I noticed an unusually bright glow,
Coming from behind my window.

I peeked through my curtains,
Thinking it was the neighbours
Only to be partially blinded,
By a bright rays that just seemed to burst.

I peek through my fingers, and what do I see?
Mr Moon sitting there, shining at me.
"How bright you are tonight," said I to he,
"Just light from the sun, I pass on to thee,"
I open my eyes bravely, no longer needing to peep,
But soon my eyes and mind and drift off, into a deep, soundless sleep.

Although my picture from my lousy Nokia N97 fails to capture the brightness and awesomeness of the moon, this is the best shot I could do. It was like someone had a searchlight shining directly at my room!

Heh heh if I have no job next time I shall go draw illustrations and try to write children's books.