Thursday, October 11, 2012

As Delirium Sets In....

I begin to have random lines and statements pop up in my head and float about, as if I'm awake yet dreaming, or dreaming but yet awake. The semi-conscious state is quite interesting when sleep deprived. Motor coordination goes down, fingers type letters that are not what they are supposed to be

Thoughts so disordganised and random you'd think I were high

  • I cannot believe I have 15 days left
  • Feel like an abosluate bogan wearing thongs and jeans. Horrible horrible image
  • Chugging red bull as I ironically, struggle to write my thesis on the effects of taurine (which is found in red bull)
  • losing thoughts half way midsentence
  • feeling a severe impairment in short term memory abilities as I write about short term memory, working memory, spacital memory whateer memory 
  • slurring in my typed words
  • cannot wait for tomorrow to end