Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wishtrend Review!

I rarely write reviews about my purchases, online or not, namely because I always feel so guilty after any shopping splurge, I try and bury it and hide it within the depths of my memory as soon as I get the goods. But this time, I cannot bear to let something that works so well for me go unpublicised! 

Wishtrend is a korean online shop that specialises in bringing korean skin/hair/face products to the world. Although their website isn't the most appealing, and they do appear rather dodgy at first, I was pleasantly surprised by my experience with them. My closer friends will know that I stinge when it comes to buying stuff online (unless I know for sure it's something that I want and cannot get it in a physical store). Most of my online purchases occur on ebay, where I always indulge in $1-2 necklaces shipped from Hong Kong or China (I really really love ebay Australia, you can get so many more things as opposed to!)

Anyways, Wishtrend was something my sister and I came across when we got our July Bellaboxes when she was in Singapore (I had been sharing my bimbo experiences with her regarding product reviews and such from our local bloggers Xiaxue and Kaykay). Our boxes contained this AMAZING product called the 'Skinmiso Pore Pack'. Basically, it's an elaborate pore pack product (haha alliteration) that removes your black heads and refines your pores in 3 steps, as opposed to the 'quick and easy' one step Biore Porepack we all know.

It sounded unbelievable and dodge at first, but since I had the sample, I tried it, and


I would love to post up tat-glam close up photos of my before and after strawberry nose, but decided against it because (1) no camera (2) don't wish to make you choke and gag in case you are eating. 

My lucky sister hasn't had the trouble bane of blackheads since her pregnancies (foetuses give you AMAZING hair, skin and nails apparently. They are the ultimate hair, skin and face product). So despite me raving about the product, she didn't have much reason to try it. I went to Wishtrend, determined to buy the product, but realised that it would cost about $30 for a set once you included shipping, and immediately retreated to my corner of stingy-ness. 

I soon pushed wishtrend into the deep recesses of my memory, feeling that the prices weren't great, and that they were out to sell a cheap korean product to me for much much more. It wasn't until 3 months later, that I had a HUGE urge to splurge (refer to post: Quarter Life Crisis) not too long ago. I revisited the numerous beauty product sites, which is something I normally do to 'window shop' (just look, no buy). AND THEN...

I found this awesome blogger/youtuber who provided a 'free shipping' discount code for Wishtrend (which amounts to $10). How could I resist right?? So after a lot a lot a lot of procrastination, debates with myself, getting approval from the boyfriend, I went for it and bought myself I bunch of stuff!

It all arrived individually bubble wrapped in the box, which made opening the box WAY WAY funner.

They also threw in heaps of free samples! I received two face masks and 2 sets of Klair's face product sachets (which I haven't been too impressed with, to be honest)

You can still see my scissors in the background which I used to rip the carton box open.

Retail therapy... Ahhhhh...

I seem to be getting more and more addicted to it the closer I get to graduating. It must be that anticipation that I will actually start getting a salary, which isn't too healthy for my pocket actually!

One of the products that has actually won me over is this: Skin & Lab Triple Action Essence.  You must be thinking: Skin & Lab?? Seriously? how grammatically wrong can that get?? IT makes NO SENSE. 

But seriously, the stuff smells awesome, and makes me think it works. (psychological effect is still an effect right? haha). As opposed to the Klair's face mist that seemed to give me a slight rash on my face.

So after that, I shared my experience with my sister to see if she would join me in indulging in online shopping (anyways, the free shipping code was to expire at the end of the month). Being a expecting mum and all, she hardly gets time to do frivolous things (conversations would probably mostly be around diapers, potty training, milestones and the works). So she decided she wouldn't buy anything at that point of time. Since she was due (is due) today (ETA: 15 Oct 2012), I decided to get her a little pre-new-baby present (to hide the dark circles that often come with receiving a new baby.

When finalising my purchase with wishtrend, I hit this unexpectedly annoying road block: 

PayPal does not allow Australian residents to ship purchases to Switzerland. 

WTH seriously!??? (This was around 12am in the library and I had spent about an hour deciding which combination of products were best for her) Eh I do research when I buy gifts ok. I e-mailed them and asked if Wishtrend could do anythign about it, and within an hour, this nice Korean person (in his slightly broken English) provided me with a solution and offered to arrange the appropriate shipping with my order despite the restrictions placed by PayPal! What a dear!
She received her products within the stipulated time (sometime last week) with of course, HEAPS OF SAMPLES. (Unfair, she got more samples than me!)

Obvious bias on my part as to which brand I recommend (The Klair's mask was a free gift)

And her free samples = many many many. ( I thought I got a bargain already!)

So brings my long wordy post on Wishtrend to an end! HAHA iPOET


  1. Thanks for the review of our products. :) You can see more products at ! Wishtrend will be the hub of Korean cosmetics. Thanks again and have a wonderful day !
