Friday, June 21, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Star Trek was AMAZING. I simple cannot begin to rave about how everything in the movie was just awesome, from soundtrack, to cheesy light flares. I am no where near a true Trekkie, but merely a convert after their first movie in 2009 (was it?).

I remember that evening when a few guy friends were trying to convince Siyi and I to watch the movie when it came out. We made the typical 'whaaaat.... don't want la... so geeekyyyyy' comments and reluctantly went.


Perhaps it was the graphics, or the large Imax screen, or the fantastic Dolby Surround sound, but both of us really enjoyed it much more than we expected. I personally enjoy 'prelude' movies that bring you right to the beginning of a story, whether it be one of the Marvel movies or whatever. It just allows typical non-fans like me to follow the story from the start and fell like you haven't missed much.

And you know how sequels are normally pretty shitty? This one was just DA BOMB. Sure there were a few dumb moments in the movie where you'd go riiiighhhttt, but Benedict Cumberbatch was just right on. Such a psycho villan, I felt he did a great job just being so ruthless. I reckon he was better than Bane in Batman. (It's that posh accent that makes him so frightening  I reckon, hahaha).