Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with the Family

Hohoho!! Happy Boxing Day! We've spent the last couple of days at home watching christmas movie after movie simply because every single shop is closed during the christmas period. The day revolved around meals basically, and the baby of course, who looks like such a sweet angel when she sleeps. She's really really adorable when she's in a good mood, she talks to us! After spending 2 years in speech, it really isn't bull shit that babies are communicating with you when they babble. Simple things like cooing at her and waiting for her response introduces the infant to something like turn taking, and imitation (which then leads to them learning sounds and words). It's fascinating watching it doing it live and just playing with her.

But of course when her crankiness comes along, there's no amount of cooing and singing that can soothe her unless it's as nutritious as her mother's neh neh.
But look at that angel!! I love this baby swaddle suit they put her in sometimes when it's cold. She looks like a fat Nanyang girl, haha.. (no offence).

So how did we spend our white christmas?? Everyone keeps pointing that out to me how lucky I am to have a white christmas (like I said, it's really not like in the movies).. But, who can fault me for trying? haha...

It snowed the whole of Christmas Eve. I know because I was running around trying to print photos for my christmas gift to my sister and liner (which I failed miserably at because the blardy machine was kooky). And snow is way way nastier than rain. I mean, it tastes pretty great (like ice kachang), but when you're walking against the wind, snow in your eyes sting like acid man.. I think I looked quite loser walking and blinking furiously (as if my eyes aren't small enough already).
And just the day before I got a pair of pretty pink Nike shoes for only 30 Francs! They were half price, and since I use my 'school shoes' so often when term starts, my mum told me to get them. (I can't wait for post christmas sales in London!!)

So how christmas did christmas get in the house?? Here's how:

1) Christmas Tree: Check

2) Stockings by the fireplace: Check
3) Actual Fireplace: Check4) Turkey dinner (ok we had turkey breast baked rice/pasta: Check
5) Multiple dish dinner (ok it's not quite a spread, but there's only 4 of us!): Stuffed mushrooms, grilled garlic prawns and veggies.. =)

6) Being constantly stuffed with food through the day: Check
I was making mochi and liner was making sushi with the sushi ingredients I got them for christmas ( since I couldn't get the photo)
7) Pretty Breakfast! Japanese pancakes lovingly made and arranged by liner when he woke up at like... lunch time. hahaha..
And we didn't get a family photo during christmas as usual, haha.. sometimes being a camwhoring type actually is good cos it means at least you have pictures as memories. =)

So that's my christmas in Zurich! Now for the real deal.... post christmas shopping sales in London!! :D:D:D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Holiday On A Holiday!

On Monday we had our first family holiday with Gaby to the city of Bern (the capital of Switzerland), which is approximately an hour's train ride away. Well, basically you can think of it as going from Jurong to Tampines for a holiday ok? The qualifying factor which makes it a holiday is the hotel stay of course! (Staying in a hotel, no matter how fantastic or cheap, always makes a holiday a holiday)

Bern's the federal city of Switzerland and is mainly German speaking, with a pretty small population of a little over 100,000 people. I've concluded that apart from being the somewhat Canberra of Switzerland, Bern was also once a home to Einstein! We went to the Einstein Museum (more details about that next post) which was pretty insightful. (I think I now almost understand the Theory of Relativity fully).

Our first and only photo with everyone!
We went to this tourist spot which hosts several Brown Bears, the animal icon of Bern. (I don't know what the exact story is, but I'm sure you can read about it on Wiki or something.

And look! Ang moh huat kueh! (Those chinese prayer cakes) We didn't try any of that though, it was huge.

The train which we took to Bern was similar to this one, a double deckered train that runs from one end of Switzerland to the other. Tickets to Bern cost about 60Francs each. (But Liner, my sister and mum bought 50% discount cards which give them cheaper tickets). Expensive MRT hor?

Not only is transport expensive, (a daily tram ticket would cost about 8 Francs, and my monthly pass was 80 Francs), housing is pretty pricey, food is pricey (my sister and liner's meal for 2 at a restaurant was 70Francs, and it was Schnitzel of all things! I was appalled that they charged 30 bucks for fried breaded meat and veggies man...

But... there are some cheap things here in Switzerland. Alcohol, for one, as it is in almost all European countries, seems to be cheaper than water. Just look at the extensive range of wine, liquor and what not in their larger supermarket

That's just a third of the area my camera could capture
GIANT PLATE OF ICE KACHANG!!! I bet ice kachang would be dirt cheap if it were sold.

On a more serious note, cars ARE cheap here. Look at the price of the Porche!
And the price of the Jaguar! An old Jaguar is still a jaguar...But toys are expensive, this tiny pink lamb was 4 Francs (But it's cute and I'm reliving my childhood)

Speaking of toys... I can't believe christmas is coming! It feels sooooo distant because I feel so cut off from all teh festivities in church or at home. And since it's snowing all the time, it takes that 'christmasy' feel away. Even our fireplace doesn't look as christmasy as the movies make it out to be. Right now I'm just replaying Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You just so that I can get into that christmas mood.

Well, Merry Christmas everyone!! I wish I could be spending it in Singapore with the hot weather and friends though, but I am thankful for the nice cold weather and potential fireplace. OK I shall put up stockings on the fireplace!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let it snow! let it snow! let it snow!

So mum and I made a trip to Konstanz Germany yesterday for a day of shopping, much like how one would cross over the border to JB to shop. (And we ate plenty of bratwursts!) However it was freezing! And I have plenty of photo evidence, just that my SD card has decided to act up and make all of yesterday's photos disappear. Hence, I'll update about that later.

I never realised how cold it was in Zurich until I googled the average temperature here. Apparently, temperatures range from -5 to 1 degree celcius on a good day. (Yesterday's temeperatures were between -3 and -4)

Here's how it looked like in the morning before the snow came on heavy 2 days back...

After a couple of hours. Looka t the snow on the cars

And I managed to capture a picture of a snow flake!

And while Gaby's all wrapped up comfortable like a jelly bean...

Her grandma's all bundled up looking like a snowmanAnd her aunt made the mistake of wearing this not-very-warm coat
I swear my legs were freezing

My sister and liner brought us to the Christmas Markets at the Bahnhof (Main station), which was slightly open air and very cold as well, but extremely busy and beautiful. The christmas markets sell all sorts of pretty expensive trinkets and crafts and food. For instance, very beautiful (and very expensive) glass christmas ornaments, probably hand blown and shaped. Notice the detail?
And hot wine! Which was surprisingly sweet and quite comforting!
And more glassware shaped like birds. (I don't know how else to describe them)
And Sprugli! Which has the most fantastic mini macroons! (Each sold for 1Franc and are about the diameter of our 50 cent coin) More pictures of that if I get a chance.And what swiss christmas market is complete without a Swarovski shop and christmas tree! This one had heaps of crystals on the.. HEAPS
Which concludes today's update. I'm just dying to get to the end of Michael Crichton's State of Fear so that I can get onto The Time Traveller's Wife, which my sister swears is amazingly sweet. I haven't read novels in ages and now I'm reading 2 a week! Hopefully this helps myelinate my 'airy fairy linguistic' pathways instead of all the non-fiction I've been reading.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A week in Zurich=8 Days

I had the sudden enlightenment about the Beatles song title '8 Days a Week'. We all dismiss it as an exaggeration of one's commitment to another person (8 days a week ala 101%), which are both seemingly impossible things. However, here's what I realised yesterday...

I've been here since last Saturday, making it day 1 in Zurich. And if you count the number of days from saturday to saturday, that's 8 days,
And what's another way of saying that you'll see someone the next saturday? Next WEEK.

Therefore, there are 8 days a week.. no?


Sunday, December 05, 2010

Day 6 in Switzerland-Zurich

Hello from the land of one cute crying baby, the phlegm-y, throat-clearing language and snow! It's been snowing this whole morning, and I never thought I'd get to see the day where I'll watch snowflakes dancing in the wind as they melt on contact with anything solid (don't get jealous, it isn't as romantic and dreamy as it is in our minds girls!)The view from my mummy's room

After spending the past 6 days fussing and handling the cute lil furball Gaby, shopping a little in the city and planning menu after menu for the meals of what seems to be 5 hungry people (because my sister now eats for 2), reading 2 novels in a record time of 5 days, and just slacking my bum off, I finally decided that it's high time to update this blog with a dozen pictures! :D

Firstly, let's recall my sister before little Gaby...

At the airport before they left for Zurich, 6 months into pregnancy?

And look at the proud mummy and granny at the subway!

We've all been struggling to get Gaby used to the pacifier and bottle feeding as my sister and liner have a christmas dinner to attend (during christmas day of course). But Gaby has made it known to the whole world that she absolutely HATES having any form of plastic in her mouth. Wahh... I've never heard such an accusing cry from an infant before. It's as if we're torturing the poor little fluffball. Alas, we finally got her on the pacifier one day on the tram! I took a picture telling my sister that it's probably one of her first few important 'moments' to remember.

See the pacifier! So clever!!
And one of my attempts to make playtime less boring by trying to stimulate her intellect with a cute, fabric IKEA baby book. She actually was quite uncomfortable in this pose because it was too upright, haha..

And what's a baby without all that poop right? Thankfully, as smelly as her poop is, Gaby only poops once in a few days, but that doesn't mean she doesn't fart every few hours, releasing a deathly stink bomb every now and then. Only then will my mum patiently lie her down and try to make her ooo-ooo (aka poop).
Notice the shape of my mum's mouth, it's the distinct 'Ooo-ooooooo' coo that all singaporean grandmas use to make babies shit.

Ok enough about the baby, you'll be seeing much more of her in many posts to come. More about Zurich then! OR actually, just a couple more paragraphs because I'll soon need to cook lunch for the hungry mother and my mother.

We went out shopping that day and this particulat mall had the most interesting benches! You sit on them to make them flat. Okay that didn't come out as clearly as I wanted. Aiya, look at the picture and figure it out yourself la.
Be careful not to put a sandwich on one end or it'll just propel up when you stand up
Look what I found in the tram station's vending machine again!! It's the famous Cannibis tea I blogged about when I went to Prague! All for 2.50 Francs! My sister and I shall try it soon and I'll tell you about the effectiveness another time. hahaha..
As bundled as I could get to withstand the cold. The sun sets at 5 like in Australian winter, making it a little difficult going out late. Average temperature during the day is around 6 I think..
And just to wrap up, here's a slightly tat-glam photo of the baby as she expressed her displeasure being belted into the car seat.
But of course any tat-glamness will eb salvaged by this very very VERY cute photo of her. =) Although my sister says that it makes her look like one of those cam-whoring ah-lians on facebook/friendster.
And of course while I'm here miles away with a colicky baby, what else can I do but miss my own babe back home? HEh... anti-climatic right? I knew you wouldn't be expecting this, haha..

Ciao for now!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Back and not really liking it.. yet

I typed a whole blog entry on Word and realised that I can't copy and paste. Darn. Oh wells, I'll just have an opportunity to write better then.

These few days have been pretty different, horrible in some sense but all right as well. I came home not knowing where exactly I stayed, thankfully the Bedok area is a familiar one with the church people and I managed to get back without much trouble. But my first night was horrible. Iwas so exhausted and my half deaf father was watching channel 8 as usual at full blast. I never expected that moving into a new house would have such an effect. I guess it's probably due to the fact that I didn't have anything to do in this move, even though we've moved countless amounts of times.

The post I drafted outw as really wordy and disorganised, so I shall reorganise it into simple dot points for my almost non-existant readers..

I came to realise many many things over the past 40hours of returning home:

1) As much as I though that living in a HDB would be no problem, I actually DO have a problem with it. I can't stand the fact that the old HDBs alwayhs have the piping outside of the wall and not built beneath them. It makes everything so unsightly. And I get annoyed at the fact that there's only 1 left serving so many floors.

2) I almost definitely do not want to return to singapore to live/work. Especially now when my family is halfway across the world, and they'll continue to do so for the next few years. I miss my mummy =( Once you take family away from us students who study overseas, I think it's a common consensus that that's practically taking away the primary motivation of coming back. Because the ugly truth is, friends do get lost over the years, and you make new ones back in the courntry where you study at

3) Another reason why I don't wish to return is how atrocious the society and it's people can be. Singaporeans are an inconsiderate bunch, and it's most evident on the road in my opinion. Drivers get impatient all the time. What's the rush?? As if our island isn't small enough.

4) Looking at the 70 year old cleaners in coffeeshops and all that give me a new perspective on how important welfare and retirement funds are. I tell my aussie friends that we asians tend to grow up and take care of our parents, which is why we have lower tax rates, so that the society doesn't have to support these people. But I feel that to be less and less the case. As a parent next time I can imagine myself worrying. What if my kid chooses not to take care of me =next time? That's literally a failed investment. At least the grannies in Australia have the government and CPF to fall back on.

5) However I still do like Singapore for it's many beautiful facets. For one, the pretty cars and lush, government planted greenary.

Ok I'm beginning to get tired. I shall update soon. Hopefully some pictures of the new place. Well, one thing I do appreciate is the generous amount of living space in the house. For once I'm not knocking into or over things constantly!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

When you keep getting let down by the people around you, you stop having expectations.

But what is life without expectations and hopes?

It's something not quite worth while living.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cannot wait for this to end and for me to go home.... =( And fly to Zurich to see fatty fat fat neh neh monster and my mummy and my sister and liner.

And I can't wait to chill in a random kopitiam in Bedok with feifei/poingo/yee/joan

And I can't wait to be driven around by nat (hopefully not against traffic sister!)

And I can't wait to just drink $1.50 bubble tea at when I feel like it.

And I can't wait to take the extremely efficient public transport, and I'm really curious about the new annoying song they play at the MRT stations

And I miss the smell of the circle line stations

And I can't wait to buy heaps of toiletries from Venus to stock up for 2011

But I can wait for the lack of internet when I go back to singapore

And I can't wait to go to the national library again and just soak up a sofa and nuah, reading

And I can't wait to sleep on a mattress that isn't as thin as half a loaf of bread, and has the depression from my backside.

And I know that once I get back, I probably can't wait to get my arse back in brissie and back to work again after a week of doing the above following. Talk about the persistent lack of contentment.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

New Babe in Town!

There's a new babe in town!! :D I never thought I would be this excited to become an aunt, and I promised to myself that I will not gush and rave over my niece to every other person I know because they probably won't be as interested as I think they are.... But I can't help it!!

Yay now I realyl can't wait to get to Zurich to see that little smushed up, wrinkly, nehneh monster! (Name given as expected, by my sister). Here's a link to follow up and look at some awesome shots of her. I think much credit needs to go to Liner's DSLR as well... Only a camera that fantastic can make post-labour, tired mothers and their wrinkly smushed up babies look so good. Hehh heh.. But she is cute la. I mean, she's so tiny!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Countdown to Midway

I'm going to be halfway through my degree in 3.5 weeks time!!

Gosh that's scary. I can't imagine having to leave the sanctuary and security of having the sole purpose of studying and actually entering the workforce full time. Even though I've been working on a casual basis over the past few years, casual, non-commital work can never match up to being fully tied down and committed to a particular company, hospital, organization or what not.

I love being a casual staff. For one, you get paid a higher hourly rate (but of course don't enjoy the perks of more working hours or other CPF/Super benefits). Secondly, you're never ever obliged to come to work. And have the freedom of rejecting shifts and saying you have something on (even if you don't). Because there aren't any expectations for casual staff. You're like a fling. *gasp*

But I recently (well just over the weekend), found a casual job that I wish I could have on a more regular basis, it's helping out as an aide at an ASD early intervention centre. The kids are so lovely! (Even though they can be an armful with all the running, stimming, shouting, tempers and tantrums). But just having them respond to you or respond to you calling their name makes it all worth it. (I felt so loved by this kid who was twiddling with my colourful bracelet and shoes today) This kid wasn't as severe on the spectrum and you would barely notice the autism except for very subtle things like responses and stuff. But he has great eye contact, great intonation and he actually said hi to me! (Which is very very very rare).

Anyways, while I'm on a verbatim-y mood (I bet that term doesn't exist and someone is going to correct my horrendous engrish), my sister was supposed to give birth yesterday!! Silly Gaby is late! Wonder how long more she'll stay in my sister's belly. She's MASSIVE! The beauties of having another being inside you, haha..

HEh heh.. can't wait to try all those developmental tricks on Gaby when I see her!!
I don't know if I ever uploaded this, one of the few nail drawings I did on siyi's fingers. Penguin!! :D I really liked this one, haha... I shall offer to do nails for CNY~! Penguins or ladybugs anyone?> =)

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Proper Update!

So, I haven't been updating nice, pictorial posts in a while and have stuck to boring, wordy posts. (This is a sentence structure typical of an Australian's. note the 'So,' at the start of the sentence). And knowing that humans are ALL more intune to pictures and colourful stimuli, I decided I have to take action in order to maintain the few readers I have. (That of now is probably constance and my sister.) haha..

To start, I'll talk about the exciting Gatton trip last week. In case some of you don't know, Mark's studying at the Gatton campus about 80km (i.e. 1.5 hrs drive) away from me. So I only get to see him every 2 week or so. And I always like going down to Gatton because it feels like a holiday. For one, they have AWESOME food (food that's not cooked by normal people is good enough). Bread is soft and fluffy, milk is abundant, fruit are sweet and limitless (because the bloody place is surrounded by farmland) etc. Oh yes, and just to add on, Gatton is a very very small-ish town, I think 3/4 the town population is a result of the uni students. The town itself is a street of shops spanning maybe a couple hundred metres, and boasts a Audi, Reject Shop, Crazy Clarks and Bi-Lo. (they rest are small cafes and shops). And 2 macs of course. (Our Tampines alone has 3 Macdonald's right>?)

However this time, I had the unfortunate/eye-opening experience of being racist attacked on our way back from Maccers late at night. These bloody drunk bastards (sterotype depicted below), drove past us as they entered the Macs/petrol station and shouted 'f*ing asians. which I was quite non-chalent about (I mean, they only have like 10 neurons, you gotta give them some pity. But the next thing I realised was that they made a sharp U-turn back and were driving full force towards us.

I've never felt such fear and stress. I shouted to Mark to get off the road because I was so scared they would either run us over, or throw stuff at us, or barf at us or egg us or whatever. My first throught was 'run towards a pavemntor a sheltor where they can't drive up' and then I looked around... We were next to a highway, and the in front of a blardy endless field with no fence. Now THAT's going to save our asses...

Of course gungho-pissed off Mark didn't run and hide like I did, he just continued chewing his fries and walking. The bastards just swerved really really close to him and screeched their tires as they did. Blardy hell, if they had just missed I would be boyfriend-less. Assholes.

Anyways what followed was basically me explaining what I did to him and shoving fries down my throat, I haven't been so shit scared since the superman ride. I think even that wasn't as scary. But I learnt 2 things from this experience:

1) I can still think fairly logically in an emergency/time of crisis
2) I cannot think logically after that, and end up eating a lot due to post-stress-trauma. (Seriosuly, I think I ate like half his fries in 5 minutes.
3) The flight or fight response is damn powerful, and I'm damn glad mine is functioning fine.

That ends my racist encounter.
Random picture I drew to send as an MMS, The world of MMS has been the most uplifting, exciting technological advance I have made since Wireless mobile phones.

I made a monster!! It's called a Disgruntian. We used it for therapy during clinic. haha.. I just needed an excuse to do some art and craft for my self entertainment purposes.
Marky mark on his sheep prac. Just look at what the REAL australia looks like. He had to help in the shearing of 700 sheep ( probably more). Apparently sheep shearers get paid $200 a day. Do the math all you people studying at Unis around the world.... do the math and weep at your sad life.. hahahhaa

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tribute to friends and food

It's been a while since I blogged about something random (ok that may be a lie), but I figured I should post just once more before the exam period kicks in (though I suspect that I may end up bloggin more to escape the reality of having to study).

Siyi and I had a very long (I think it lasted more than 2 hours) discussion as to how fussy an eater I am by comparing what foods I don't eat and what foods she doesn't. ( I have a bad memory and could only recall about 3 items of her list). Siyi had one conclusion:

My food life/real life is damn sad.

I had 2 conclusions:

1) My food life/repertoire is damn sad
2) It would be way sadder if I hadn't had the friends I had in secondary school and JC (and a housemate who has a mom who cooks and eats everything organic and exciting).

Here's what we came up with what I don't eat (not that I strictly don't eat them, I just prefer not to). My standing rationale is that, if I don't appreciate it as much as you do, why should I take that opportunity to eat that prawn which I wouldn't enjoy? It's called the law of Maximising the Potential of the Prawn. (Ok I came up with that, but seriously, it's basically Maximising the potential of what ever that item is.).

Digression: That Maximisation of Potential law can and should apply to all things actually, whether it be food, clothes, or even people. For example, if a fat girl looks ugly in a pretty dress, it's not maximising the potential of that dress. She should just give it up to that stick thin model girl and go for a kimono blouse which would make a skinny girl look like a walking handkerchief. (and that skinny girl shouldn't deprive the fat one of wearing the kimono). So everyone wins and no one becomes an eyesore.

It can apply to people too, some couples should just break up because they're not maximising each other's potential. (I came up with an alternative theory that day and told nat that assholes and bitches should just get together and make the world a better place, because by doing so, they're saving 2 unsuspecting victims from the pains of being in a damaging relationship. ( I shall blog more about that another day).

Ok undigress and back to my topic title. (what the hell is a topic title, I'm talking rubbish)

Things I don't eat:
1) Lamb/sheep in most forms
2) Cow in australia (it just smells bad) but I do eat it when it's cooked well sometimes (e.g. steak)
3) Shell fish/craustacians
4) Duck (unless it's 'peked' or minced)
5) Capsicum (although siyi made me eat it once and it tasted ok)
6) pineapples on pizza
7) Bittergourd
8)Ladies fingers
9) Bread crust (I'm very spoilt now)
10)any form of innards
11) Noodle soup when I'm outside (I have bad chopstick control which I like to keep at home)
( I think there might be more but I can't remember)

Basically siyi started complaining that all i eat is chicken chicken and luncheon meat and processed crap. (heh heh.. it's the sodium I lovE)

BUT, I told her about the things I learnt to eat from my friends, who so kindly introduced the pleasures of such hawker food during the course of my adolesence:

1) Kuay chap (without the innards but just the taupok and egg) - shiyun in sec 3/4
2) Black sesame paste - Joan (who raved about it until I just HAD to try it) in sec 3/4
3) Brinjal with chilli - bong in JC
4) Nasi Lemak chilli - Yee in Sec 2/3
5) Mee Pok Gan with ketchup - shiyun & joan (my virgin experience with mee pok gan was sadly only in sec 4)

Ok fine it's not a very extensive list, but I KNOW there's more. At least I can proudly say I ate tutu kueh as a child. (Mark only tried it last year and scared the tutu kueh auntie while at it too). heheh..

Which concludes my not so random entry., Thank you to all the above mentioned for making my life a tastier one! =))

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Self Talk

I believe that the majority of the population experiences moments, whether fleeting or not, of low self esteem, low motivation or morale, or just those moments where you think you're a useless piece of shit who has wasted your life so far. And it's in moments like these that you really really need some of that self psychoing, self motivation jargon that we see being sold the shelves of Borders and Times. I personally need to tell myself that I'm not a useless piece of junk once in a while, and that I haven't actually wasted my life, and that hey, I am actually pretty damn good at what I do. (Even though it may be a lie, but hey, that's what helps me get outta bed and out to face the world sometimes).

And right now, is one of those moments. So please don't mind, but seeing that this is my blog, I have the right to write whatever nonsense shit I want, and now I'm going to brag about myself (Well, actually not really brag la, just convince myself that I don't suck)

1) I have decent grades
2) I have a nice rented house that's kept clean
3) I think I have a life
4) I have a job
5) I have a brain
6) I'm not a grossly overweight US citizen
7) I can at least cook a meal and not burn down the house
8) I can play 1.5 instruments decently
9) I can run 2km without keeling over and dying, though even a 2year old can do that
10) I can juggle.. briefly
11) Oo I almost forgot, I have an awesome boyfriend who charms the life outta me and is literally, my prince charming on a (brown) stallion.. (hurhurhur) =)

Ok I think I'm ready to study now

Monday, September 20, 2010

I SO cannot work under stress, I do so many impulsive things when I'm stress. If I hadn't forgotten to bring my wallet today and only had $1 in my pocket, I would've bought a whole vending machine'ss worth of M&Ms already.

It's amazing how volatile the mind can be, all because of the hormones and endocrine glands running on overdrive in the brain.

oh gosh

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Away from home away from home

Get my title??

It's all right if you don't, haha, it's semi-nonsense anyways.

I'm sitting in the nice Gatton library blogging because I have the excuse of not bringing more work to complete. Actually, that's a complete shitty excuse, I've yet to actually complete what I've set out to do, it's just that I'm experiencing that bout of un-drivenness, or, being in Neutral. (Or in my case, I might just be going in reverse).

I feel like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, just that I'm half as verbally fluent and not quite 1/20th as madly ingenius as he is in the literary sense. Don't you think Lewis Carroll is amazing? If you think about it, the stuff that's in Through the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland and whatever other stuff written is so linguistically aware and smart that it makes me, as an undergraduate, feel like a kindergarten kid knowing what wonders the mind is able to work (If you were ever so blessed to have one)

I've been workign with Dyslexic children in clinic this semester, and boy has it been eye-opening. Well, not as eye-opening as I would like it to be (considering that this is only my second week working with them), but I was rather surprised with the emphasis placed here in Australia how much the responsibility is placed on the Speech Therapist to get these children working to their maximum potential. Whereas back home, these children are either

1) Called stupid and left to lag and be punished all their lives
2) Politically-correctly called 'Normal' and placed in either EM3, and then Normal Technical or Academic
3) Shoved into Learning Support Programs which ironically, fail to support but instead condemn the children further as they lag even more,
4) Thrown to special education classes which might actually prove to help (sometimes)
5) If they're lucky/rich enough, mummy and daddy can send them to Australia where they can receive the support/encouragement they need.

I'm not saying that it's a haven here, nor am I saying that Singapore completely slaughters children with dysexia, it is the unawareness that kills the opportunity and potential that resides in these children. (LKY should know) I have no idea how he mad eit through school, my guess is that he was mildly dyslexic.

Even in Australia, they can't emphasize how much the education system still fails to recognise the problems faced by the children, and they too have shoved teacher aide after teacher aide to help but to no avail.

And that's not even the tip of the iceberg! What about indigenous children who have a much much higher probability of experiencing literacy problems solely based on cultural differences or because of where they stay? We might say that in Singapore you see educational gaps between certain racial groups, but here, it's even worse.

But.. if you look at it in a 'WHO' kind of way, where they look at things like dyslexia or disabilities not from the point of an impairment, but from the view of how these things affect their actual functioning in life, then it might be a different story all together. If someone can't read, but is a successful dairy farmer or whatnot and is earnign shit loads, what is to say that that dyslexia was a problem?

Ok this is a boring post.

I'm just getting os overhelmed with organising and filing what I've been studying, that when I went to sleep a couple of nights back, I was having dreams about travelling up the neural pathways and reaching the different orders of neurons in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and midbrain (or something like that), which is freaking twisted!! Garh I woke up feeling such a hatred for Neuroanatomy for invading my dream land where I was supposed to be playing with cotton candy, ponies, fairy wings, giant jello, chocolate cake with mega sludgy icing and Hugh Jackman. uhh.. oops maybe not the last one, heh heh


POny pony poNY!! :D:D

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I skipped class~ I skipped class~

My first lesson skipped this semester! (As opposed to the gazillion I missed last semester) And I have good reason for it!... It's raining. heh

But the sky is clearing up and I do have lessons at 10. I actually enjoy going to schools on Fridays, it's the best feeling of all because I end early, which means that the rest of my day is to myself (and generally the library), and I yet there's that satisfication coming from the 'I-learnt-something-today-from-the-teecher' feeling. So you feel like you've fulfilled your duty as a student, whilst still having a slack Friday. TGIF never meant so much =) Plus, it's normally the day MarkyMark comes back from the town in the middle-of-nowhere via horseback. (Okok, it's a BUS).

So it's a double bonus! =)

I was emailing my sister that day and she asked me how it seemed like Mark and I have a long distance relationship, which is, essentially so sometimes (Especially if either of us has exams and we don't see each other for a couple weeks at a time). But I feel that this is good 'training' in that sense. At least we have mobile phones and MSN and what not, whereas during our parents' time, they had pigeons, snail mail, the telephone with no caller ID, and telepathy.

If technically we have THAT much more times opportunity to communicate with the other in this time and century, shouldn't there be way way less divorces seeing that the couples should understand and know each other better? But of course we all know that isn't the case right? You'd probably say it isn't that our parents know each other any less than our generation knows the pther party, but perhaps it's just the lifting of taboos or the changed/thwarted views people have of marriage now.

I believe it's more like this - Our generation sucks at tolerating uncomfortable situations, compromising or just basically, sucking it up and continuing with the shit you're doing. We're all about this freedom of choice thing and tell others, why should you stay on and 'suffer'? Well, to a certain I think that's a good point... if the party was abusing you and being a complete bitch/asshole/drunk/gambler etc, but just because he's not lifting up the toilet seat? Or not helping with the dishes? I guess of course the married people are gonna scoff at me and tell me I don't know shit. And I'm not saying divorce is wrong, I personally am one of the ones who believe in freedom of not having to go through all the suffering and shit, after seeing so many mums of the earlier generation stay on in their families 'just because they have to' when it clearly is detrimental to their health.

I follow my mum's general advice to some of her clients:

If you have a tumor growing on you, cut it off straight! Or it's just going to destroy you.

Only difference I guess is, if its just a cyst, don't go cutting it off because you might cause larger problems by doing that. Or don't go cutting off your tonsils or appendix just because you think they're completely redundant (Because we've learnt from our multiple disciplinary lessons that, they are pretty handy sometimes)

Ok I need to go for class =)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm old!!

I know this is like, 3 weeks overdue, but it finally has been hitting me...



Oh gosh... it wasn't until I saw pictures fromJuliza's 21st party that I reality hit me that, whilst my friends back home (especially the ones who can afford it), are able to spend a night splurging on a nice, all dressed up night full of friends, awesome catering, full blast airconditioned, pool-dunking, alcohol drinking (or not), celebratory nights dedicated to the day they were born and all that they have become for the past 21 years, I was here having an awesome, sweet boyfriend-orchestrated bbq out in the overcasted Gyutt Park near my home. The overcast part was pretty much the scariest part of it, cos wewere so afraid that it would just rain anytime and kill the food/us/pigeons(as if we cared). But the crappiest thing was that I had shitty cramps that day, plus, as most girls would understand that annoying predicament we deal with every month or so, comes the ever so slight crankiness, tiredness, angstiness and just low-energy level because you just feel.. FEMALE for a couple of days. I think everything would have been more perfect than it already was had I not been crampy and stressed over the getting-back-to-school syndrome and having the constant worry that my scooter would entirely back up on me (Which it eventually did a couple of weeks later when I brought it to service, but that's another update), or that I had a pile of work (at least according to my dictionary) to catch up on (Yes it was ONLY the first week of school, but hey, you guys know I'm anal about stuff)

But apart from that, every weekend from then seemed to flash past, so here I am on our lovely australian public holiday (Exhibition Day), sitting at the dining table with a satiated tummy full of failed chilli chicken (as in chilli crab sauce cooked with chicken instead - not nice) and just setting aside 15 minutes to update this blog.

I think everyone who wished, celebrated, came, sent me spices from Melbourne (Even though she's in Zurich - haha), gave me oranges/lemons (They have fed me really well yutaro and bwedon)
cake (My sister and siyi orchestrated to have a ccake sent in from a local cafe which was sinfully good)and what not (you know who you guys are), deserve a HUGE

the very cute apple pie from Shiyun and Aiping (I should have seen it coming!!) haha, the girls are ever so sweet as usual!! And the pictures are damn tat glam can. Piang eh! haha,..Trying to look sweet and young so that we don't differ too much from the photos...

One of the few shots I managed to capture of liner and my sister before they flew off to Zurich for his PhD. (Yes she IS pregnant.. and due in October!)
And here's a little shot of what the Shrek castle looks like in Universal Studios Singapore. And for some people, that's how my boyfriend looks like. haha.. Thanks =)) You make my life so airy fairy sometimes I think I've become blond. hehh..

I shall update a pictorial about the other 1000 updates that have happened so far. All right, my life isn't THAT interesting. I think the most memorial event so far since I've gotten back is when my scooter broke down just 150m from the workshop when I went to service it at a God forsaken place called Moorooka (even the name sounds stupid eh?) But the people there were awesome, thanks to Jawn for recommending that place, they didn't even charge for 'towing' my bike in! =) (Plus the guy at the counter was pretty cute...) But being surrounded by all the Kawasaki/Honda/Yamahahahas/ATV/motorcross dirt bikes was a little intimidating. haha. Do you know they start training little boys for motorcross? Like, their bikes are maybe a metre in length, and I saw this little 7-8 year old getting one with his dad. Shit man, those bikes are more powerful than mine!! (I feel disgraced). But they are SO awesome. I shall blog about that soon. Writing makes me happy= ) ACtually, writing CRAP makes me happy. muhahaha.

Peace out from the land of funny names like Moorooka, Woolongabba, Yerongapilly and Indooroopilly and Gayndah!