I never realised how cold it was in Zurich until I googled the average temperature here. Apparently, temperatures range from -5 to 1 degree celcius on a good day. (Yesterday's temeperatures were between -3 and -4)
I swear my legs were freezing
My sister and liner brought us to the Christmas Markets at the Bahnhof (Main station), which was slightly open air and very cold as well, but extremely busy and beautiful. The christmas markets sell all sorts of pretty expensive trinkets and crafts and food. For instance, very beautiful (and very expensive) glass christmas ornaments, probably hand blown and shaped. Notice the detail?
And hot wine! Which was surprisingly sweet and quite comforting!
And more glassware shaped like birds. (I don't know how else to describe them)
And Sprugli! Which has the most fantastic mini macroons! (Each sold for 1Franc and are about the diameter of our 50 cent coin) More pictures of that if I get a chance.
And what swiss christmas market is complete without a Swarovski shop and christmas tree! This one had heaps of crystals on the.. HEAPS
Which concludes today's update. I'm just dying to get to the end of Michael Crichton's State of Fear so that I can get onto The Time Traveller's Wife, which my sister swears is amazingly sweet. I haven't read novels in ages and now I'm reading 2 a week! Hopefully this helps myelinate my 'airy fairy linguistic' pathways instead of all the non-fiction I've been reading.
And more glassware shaped like birds. (I don't know how else to describe them)
And Sprugli! Which has the most fantastic mini macroons! (Each sold for 1Franc and are about the diameter of our 50 cent coin) More pictures of that if I get a chance.
1 comment:
the snowflake's so pretty! :D must be nice to spend christmas in europe,so different from christmas in s'pore man,haha..
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