Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Roses and Noses

The title has no meaning, it just rhymes. haha.. But here's one by the really dynamic and ever-comical Mr Woolhead (I think) from my school.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

But the roses are wilted,
The violets are dead.
The sugar bowl is empty,
And so is your head.

HAHA!! I couldn't help but crack up when I heard it during the morning announcements a couple of weeks back. One thing I'll always appreciate about AC is the abundance of eloquent, witty, sarcastic and dynamic teachers from the Language/Arts department amidst the less-blessed collegues from the Science/Maths department.

Main point. LAst year, I spent my Valentine's Day with Feifei in an office entering the entire phone directory of civil servents for $6.50/hr. This year seems to be no better as I'll be spending it on the school stage rehearsing a stoopid song about a rusty bell and the reflection of the moonlight. How enticing is that? Argh. Hey, we'll even be having the school's chicken rice to sweeten the deal! Ugh

Oh! Should my prince save me from the evil clutches of the double bass and chinese orchestra-ing on that day! Well, at least it beats typing things like

Don't click on any of them ok.. they are for illustration and are purely fictional. Any similar cases in real life are purely coincidences. =)

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