Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wah kao!! I'm damn freaking pissed! I just deleted like over 30 photos from my phone thinking that I had already transferred them to my computer when I hadn't! And as if there's the Bermuda Triangle of the computer, the photos are no where to be found now and ARGHGHHGH!!!a'fhd'sklfh'adoh

damn you technology!! damn you for making us all so reliant on you! It's YOUR fault!

'adfiuhd;akjfadsk;ajdbai;erfk;jg npadih/

I was initially deciding on what to post about and my choices came down to
(a) Cons's recent concert
(b) My father's undeniable talent of blame-pushing (he has AMAZING justifications)
(c) A lazy but rather convenient photo update with a selection from the THIRTY photos I took WHICH ARE NOW GONE
(d) Other non-frivoulous matters like ME, ME, ME (kidding)

However I now discovered option (e) due to this unfortunate incident, which happens to be:
Ranting, complaining and mild swearing.

wah kao1!!!!!

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