Wednesday, May 07, 2008


We've been watching lots of productions lately, from the classy 'Jacques Bre alive and well in Paris' to the ever full of cock Sebastian Tan in 'Broadway Beng'. (Quite the contrast) Anyways, I finally feel inspired to share my love with the rest of the world... Ok fine just you lot, but musicals and plays are just such a large part of my life. I do hope no fantastic productions come when I'm in Aus studying, like a how Phantom came when my sister was in the States.

The classics can never be beaten, some of them I;ve watched 2-3 times, (E.g. Phantom, Miss Saigon) Not counting the versions that came out in Cinema. I've only included the stage musicals I've watched and can remember, I think I may have missed out a couple. I wish I could do a detailed 'inventory' for every show I watched, but it would take up way too much space and time. Out of all the musicals you see in the following, Aspects of Love was sinply the worst ever I'd watched. And it's an Andrew Lloyd Weber work was was truly disappointing. Even my sister's Hall Musical production was better. =P

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was also a little disappointing, it was the story-line at fault. IT got kinda draggy at points if not for that super uber cool flying car. Madame butterfly was the second Opera I'd watched in my life. Oh!!! I forgot to add in Aida! (Some super draggy opera about a queen) I was pretty young then, so I kept figiting and pissed off the lady behind me. She told me off in a nice way, and I slept like a rock after the interval, thus allowing her to enjoy the show much more.

The Wedding Banquet (Bottom left corner) had a really cute storyline, it's about a gay chinese guy who gets married to another Chinese immigrant so that his naggy mum won't die of embarassment due to the taboo of being gay and so that the chinese girl can stay in the country to work. And no, they don't end up falling in love blah blah (he's gay remember) . It was really cute.

And these are some of the local productions I've been to, there's a whole lot more like Dim Sum Dollies, Cinderellah etc, but I'm just too tired looking for the pictures. Man of Letters and Forbiddon City were by far the best local musicals I've watched, along with Chang and Eng (I couldn't find the advertisement picture so Itook the picture of the real twins) Beauty World was fun to watch because it reminded you how lousily stupid the story was and makes you glad you didn't watch Fried Rice Paradise, (Locals should know) Man of Letters was Dick LEe's most fantasic musical I must admit. And my favourite gay actor Robin Goh and Emma Yong had such omph. Haha, Emma Yong simply rocks on stage.

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