My sister's performance yesterday was qutie impressive, well, it did exceeded my expectations by a bit. I was glad the musicians were good, I can't tolerate inexperienced or uncoordinated musicians! They never fail to spoil the show immediately. The only unfortunate thing was that they being 3 floors up caused them to be invisible to the audience. The hair and make-up was horrible though, I must say. The men looked gothic and the girls looked sleepy. As if that was not enough, thier hair was terribly done! It completely did not fit the era! Plus the fact that half the girls looked like they had just woken up!
Anyways, it was still a rather good performance, not absolutely fantastic, but not painful to watch either. I'm still proud of my sister!=)
All right, to get to the main point of this posting, I now officially have NO place to hide my face. Another common thing between me and my sister is that both our blogs have a posting DEVOTED to our father. Not for good reasons though. He utterly embarressed and humiliated not only me but the whole family yesterday! He brought this air stewardess friend to the musical, I do not really blame her, I mean, I think she's a nice lady and has no evil intentions or anything, I mean, anyone in the right sense of mind would not choose to be with my father (don't ask me why my mother chose him) The thing was he spent half the night walking aroudnd and holding HER hand. Can you imagine that!? I mean, I doubt anything goes on but the sheer act of it is so suggestive! For crying out loud there were aunties and friends from church!! I have no idea where to hide my face, my friend asked me, 'truthfully, who is she?' I don't blame her for asking me that. In front of your family and their friends, can't you at least have the courtesy not to flaunt the fact that you're a philanderer? For cying out loud where's his brain!!! AHH
I don't hate that lady, I think she may jsut be a a little daft but other than that, I feel that she has no evil intentions. Who the hell would want my father la, pay also don't want.
Anyways, I apologise if this 'insightful' posting is disturbing to those who have pretty families, I just need to vent. And since I pretty much have no more face left, I might as well throw it all to the ground.