Thursday, February 14, 2008

My life as it is...

If I were to count the number of bouquets I've 'dissected' and vase-d, I wouldn't be able to. Not because I've had an army of admirers over the course of my life, but because my sister has had traditional, conventional flower-gift boyfriends. If I weren't a waitress/tuition teacher now, I'd probably be a florist tying lilies and growing chrysenthemums. (My spelling is failing me)

The purple tulips look a little like limp purple cabbage leaves, it's not my fault the picture didn't turn out to be fantastic! Anyways the reason why I chose to speak of flowers was because I'd managed to dissect a customer's bouquet and vase it on valentines day, and still make the bouquet look fantastic. =) Ah, you won't understand unless you saw what pain and effort I went through to put those blardy roses in water, which was actually redundant (but I didn't dare to tell the customers) because bouquets always, Aways come in with a supply of water in a little baggy all wrapped up to last them through the evening. (Unless, as my sister suggested, the boyfriend had been so cheap as to buy the bouquet 2 days earlier and leave it in the fridge)

Moving on...
Sisters I was just lazy to put this on facebook, it'll probably take me a good 30 minutes to get it on. ( I see a potential stubborn future me whom will avoid retraining at all cost)
Which reminds me, the 2 of you better start helping me with the songs!! Doesn't help that all 3 of us are inept in chinese but let's at least get the ideas down ok? You better help me or else I'll be grumpy, overworked and tired and turn into T-rex. :D
Love you guys!

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