Sunday, February 03, 2008

Nerina Pallot's CD! =)

I had a great weekend, because I managed to not only finish my word quota but actually surpass it. For those close to me, they'd know that a Cui without interaction and talking equals an emo Cui. (Or slightly deranged ) I talked and talked and talked, I even talked to the groom's brother/bestman during Sunday's wedding at the restaurant! He wasn't as drop dead gorgeous as the previous bestman/brother, but he was extremely conversational, friendly, and French. =) (I bet the bride was an SPG la)

Yay, talk talk talk, I am sooo going to end up being an auntie, sitting at the cafe (we shall be taitais) spending the entire afternoon with my other fellow aunties like annie, feifei and aiping and just sitting there and talking. Although I reckon ping will be busy pranking people at a ripe old age of 50. HAHA... ok nevermind, private joke. +)

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