Saturday, August 06, 2011

The Lack of IT

Due to the recent move and hustle and bustle of getting back to school and work, there hasn't been much time for updates. Not only that, there hasn't been any INTERNET for updates. As I probably whine and whinge about this every time I move house in Brisbane (which is 3 times so far), we have yet to have our internet connected. While this is nicely saving us about $15/week without internet, it still makes us feel like we haven't quite settled in yet. Not to mention the horrible amount of research we should  be doing for our honours projects this semester.

I honestly can't wait to really get started on my project. It's on Taurine and how it might enhance/affect word learning (yes, geek at heart.). Taurine is an amino-acid found in things like Red Bull, Formula milk and such, which is believed to enhance attention, cognition and all that sorts. I've not yet actually come across any journal article that explicitly states so though, however I have only been researching for a grand total of maybe.... half an hour?

So a quick update of life..

Life's been great =) Had a great birthday, been playing nice traditional games such as Uno Attack and Munchkins thanks to my lack of internet and technology in the house (i.e. TV). Which is good actually. televisions reduce our sociability I find. Everyone tends to just end up sitting around and nuahing when we could all be talking and interacting instead.

Not having the internet at my fingertips has also meant that I spend more time sleeping, getting 8 or more hours of sleep a day is a luxury I know will soon cease (once the internet kicks in and the assignment writing starts). So I'm gonna treasure that sleep!!


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