Friday, October 20, 2006

The Class of 2007

All right by request of Ow Yong Feifei I shall start rambling some nonsense. Haha, I'm still pretty upset about not being able to score with English. I think I'll really go to China. All right, bring on the Cheena Princes!!

Anyways, as you can see from the title, I shall dedicate this wordy entry to the people who surround me daily - SB6. I initially started out being rather pensive about this new group of people whom I would spend most of my time with. Initial polite nuances and the occasional awkwardness ensued. But week after week, month after month, you learn to accept and love the people for who they are, not who you want them to be. Nobody conforms but simply adapts, (as one of my classmates says) I think that's the beauty of it, that people of such different upbringings and personalities can all accept and have fun with one another. Imagine if there was a class of 25 you's. Urgh, how boring life would be.

So this has been one hell of a week, it was a week full of ups and downs. Downs obviously due to the fact that the WR was due this week and a certain MEMBER in my group proved to be EXTREMELY uncooperative. (I bet my blood pressure spiked several times this week) Plus the ominous looming of our results. (ACJC insisted on releasing ALL our results only at 1430 on Friday) The haze was a mood killer as well, considering that two thirds of our time spent in school was spent rotting in the void deck/cafe/anywhere-else-but-classrooms-and-LTs, (you see the 'pon' spirit is one of the strongest school spirits in AC, haha)

Despite all that, I was still able to find the rose amongst the thorns, the glimmer amidst the darkness, the olive branch amid the tremulous waves... you get the idea. This was, of course, the company of my classmates! I had been pining to Mings and feifei a couple of weeks back that the class wasn't communicating and bonding. Everyone was busy with their own study schedules and were hence left with little or no time or topic to talk about. Life became SERIOUSLY dead. Everyone simply said their 'hi s' and 'byes' and moved on with their struggle with centripetal force and Social Efficiency. I have to say that AC games did a lot for the class. So did the 'communal' rush for PW this week and the long hours spent playing bridge. One can learn a lot through playing cards ok, its important to understand BeHAviOurAL patturns!

It was a bad week, but the shortened bonds between the mates have made all that crap I went through the whole week worthwhile. =) Priceless (as quoted from our ex-Student Council Pres)

Look at our levitations man...

Rock on SB6, no, I shan't label you guys, its an understatement, Rock on you special people you! haha... I love my class, at least we don't have noisy buggers like those inthe next class, or angmoh poseurs from uh-um! certain schools. Yea, we have great balance.

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