Tuesday, January 23, 2007


What to you is the most fascinating creation on Earth? An array of choices are presented to us. Humans especially, present a tempting choice. I however, find spiders to be highly intriguing. Seeing that these little critters are often 'invading' our space and building their homes like nobody's business, I've had plenty of encounters with these guys over the past few years. From the sadisctic killing of spiders to keeping them as temporary pets, I've always been surprised one way or another on each occasion.

The Killing

My friend, once being very irritated by a spider, decided to use a rather creative way of killing it. She used a piece of sticky tape and conveniently attached the spider to the floor. As we girls were still in shock and disgust, we took a look at the carcass only to find that in the process of being squashed, about a hundred million (ok not so much la) eggs were squeezed out of the spider as well as toothpaste would have been. That was my first time actually seeing minute spider eggs. Talk about caviar.

The Observation

After several dinners at the dining table (which was rare), it came to my attention that our little aracnid friend had made his home right above us. I spent about half an hour craing my neck to see the fella rebuild his nest. It's damn cool! (why else would I stay there for half an hour) IT taught me something, spiders truly are a breed of perfectionists! I think that spider built his web at least 3 times. After completing his web each time, the dissatisfied spider retraced his steps, collecting his excreted silk along the way and rolling it into a ball of white fluff until finally returning to the centre and conviniently releasing the fluff onto our dinner table. Damn cool.. I think watching a spider spin its web is one of the most interesting things. IT's a true display of foresight, planning and architechtural skills. It's something I'll show my kids next time.

Baby sitting One

The first time I kept a spider, I kept it for 4 days. It didn't die, I jsut got tired of catching idiotic ants for it. But here's the interesting thing that happened: One Day 2, my little spider (I think I named it Mimi) moulted! In case you ignorant people don't know what that is, it means it shed its skin. The only other time I had seen this was on a documentary. Imagine the shock when I saw another 'spider' hanging on the web! Bet you guys have never seen a spider skin! Haha!

Baby sitting 2

This tim e my spider didn't moult despite me keeping it for an equally long period. Instead, Fifi( i think) turned out to be an impregnated spider! she laid this HUGE pile of eggs and surrounded them with a soft, thick comfy layer of webbing. And then she sat over them like a king on a throne. Once again, I'd only seen this happen on a documentary. It's really cool to have all these things happen in your own little Brands bottle! But I never saw them hatch, I had no patience and was afraid she'd die on me. I hate it when things die.

Of course I've kept several other spiders for shorter terms too, but these guys were boring. I normally don't keep jumping/fighting spiders, too fast for me. I like the weird exotic looking ones, or fat ones. haha...

Don't you think they're cool??

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