Sunday, May 13, 2007


Don't burden yourself with feelings of guilt or unhappiness about what happened, seriously I don't mind and completely understand (at least I think I do). 2 emo people rarely result in either feeling better about the situation or themselves, emo periods are meant to be spent alone wallowing in self pity and what not. It's a human nature thing to want to inflict even more hurt to distract themselves from what'sr really hurting them. And I know what 'marn' means to you, just as how concert means to a lot of us. That's namely why I've stopped asking you to not enter mun, becuse I know full well you will no matter what and there's no changing your mind. All I do is chide you for doing so out of my frustration because of that anal, paranoid i'm-so-powerful woman breathing down my neck about all things 'cello/bass'. Because if one withdraws, so can all the other pissed of people who care more abt academics which currently seems to be happening right now. So ignore all those who tell you withdraw from it because I seriously think it'll help you more than it'll help us. I wouldn't give up something that's going to help my career if it didn't mean saving someone else's life. And it looks like we both have problems with emotions, haha.. Well, you know that IQ is inversely related to Emotions ya? haha...

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