Sunday, September 09, 2007

Fellowship of the chocolates!!

Here's a quick one for you, how many different coloured M&Ms do you reckon there are? 6? 10? 15? Now brace yourself for the fellowship of the (M&M) ring!!

My sister's extremely intelligent friend, the one who managed his Master's thesis in 3 days instead of the given 3 months and still got an A+ and whom has now recently returned from the States with the most intriguing 'souvenir' I've ever recieved in a looong time, (hence pushing his IQ up by a few more points in my books!) :) got me what I would like to call, a set of M&Ms. There are 18 freaking colours in that box man!!!
'Very thrilling meh?" you may ask.
I'll call you a boring bunch of sour grapes because all you have are your 6 coloured M&Ms (blue, brown, yellow, red, green). Bleagh to you! I think my sister thought I had completely lost it or that I was really a bimbo at heart when I got all hyper about getting 18 colours, I mean seriously, 18 colours! That's like way WAY too much food colouring! Hey I think I should bring them to school one day and test the guys to see if they were colour blind, I bet XW would only see 3 colours.! Anywyas, thanks Lionel! Sorry I didn't get to thank you personally in church, but I thought an entire post devoted to you/your M&Ms would be better. haha.. Hey, this picture has made it as the wallpaper of my phone ok, and as most of you would know, the only few photos I would shuffle as my wallpaper would be that of my darling guitar and my AC school badge. And of course not to forget that of Chio's.

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