Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I bought my first pack of cigarettes that day! Not for myself, thank goodness. Being very cigarette-idiot, I have been having trouble pronouncing the brand name 'Marlboro' because of all the mispronounciations I've heard over the years. Plus the fact that I've never ever in my life needed to articulate the name as well. I find the 'L' in Marlboro to be very deceiving, for the first time in my life I get my 'Rs' and 'Ls' very mixed up, (Like Derek). The common ah pek pronounciation would be

'Eh Mah-brow Lite'


'Mah-blow Men-toh'

So I thought to myself, is it Marlbrow? Marbolo? Marborow? Mahbolo? The worst combination is Marlboro Menthol Light, now try saying that five times in a row. You may end up with something like

'Marbolo Menthol Light'


'Marboro Menthol Right'

Sometimes the customers get a little slurry and slobber their way through the Cigarette name, resulting in me getting equally blur and confused (Thank goodness they're too stoned to notice)

And so, after much clarification and practice, I can now pronounce Marlboro with ease. =) Ok fine, I still can't.

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