Sunday, January 13, 2008


It's pouring cats, dogs, elephants, and T-rexes. Oh why can't it be raining men, there aren't enough good ones left! ( I completely agree with the saying, the good men are either taken, or gay)

IF not for my work later, I'd go out and splash in the rain, catch pnemonia and die dramatically like in some sappy korean soap opera, but not before I meet and accidentally fall in love with my long lost twin brother who got seperated from me at birth. Don't laugh, I just read a newspaper article of a couple somewhere who went through this, I can't remember exactly which country it was but it's a pretty conservative asian one I think. Eeee, falling in love with your brother. *shivers*

Nat gave us funny, furry, obiang clip on earrings on Sunday, that's what I get stuck with for having unpierced ears. Anyways, I felt like I was wearing Chip and Dales' tails on my ears. Haha! weird poofy things, they look as if like electric currents were passed through the little fellas before their tails were chopped off. Morbid, aren't I. =)
Love you sisters, make my days seem not that jialat=D

Now I have furballs in my pencil case.

And it's still pouring like crazy! I just want to curl up and sleep, but I have such an awful stiff neck it feels as if I went through a wrestling match yesterday! so much for being happy clappy all day-y (must rhyme mah...)

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