Friday, January 25, 2008

Splish Splash!

This is a post similar to the mish mash post a couple of weeks back, I just felt like giving it a similar name. =)

27 Dresses was good! After an entire week of dull, sleep inducing admin work and late night waitressing, the weekend has just been what I've been waiting for. Here's a line from 27 Dresses I found to be really apt at describing disappointment:

'It's like finding out that my all time favourite love song is about a sandwich!'

And here's another line I'd like to quote from the super cock jackson which I feel is a pick-me-up anyday,

'At least you don't have a siamese twin who's gay!'

And the moon has never looked fuller to me! Alright blame my lousy camera which has the most ineffective night mode, that bright light is not a street light but the moon. I know this is completely random, as usual, but the moon was gorgeous on the day that it was full, it was simply heavenly! All right nevermind I know everyone would rather hear about mooncakes rather than moons.

I don't understand how anyone can stand a desk job, it's the most unhealthy, uninteresting, uninteractive and unstimulating job ever.

Last thing I'd like to say, the best way to appreciate and enjoy a weekend, is to slog like a dog during the week to fully understand why weekends were created.

Our botak boys-turned-men are out from their 2 week (prison) confinement! WEll, at least most of them, haha...

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