Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sudden realisation

It suddenly occured to me that I'm actually having my holidays! WOW. I've decided, much to my mum's delight, to take a gap year. Meaning that I'll go into Uni a year later. Mainly because I would like to try out working in my field of interest - special education, and partially because I feel taht my grades are most likely to suck. So that's my update on my future, now for my update on my current situation.

I've been reading 2 very contrasting books concurrently, Dawkin's 'The God Delusion', and Bill Hybel's 'Becoming a Contagious Christian'.
(This photo isn't mine btw, I just got it off the net)
I admit it does get a little confusing sometimes, not only are their main points starkingly different, the tone in which both books are written are poles apart as well. As much as I see and sometimes agree with Dawkin's point, I can't stand the arrogant, cynical and snide tone he takes when writing. I believe that you can make your point just as well, if not better, without taking a hint of sarcasm. There's no need for it, I find it uncalled for and slightly unproffesional. But let's face it, Hybel's style isn't exactly the Queen's definition of proper either. It's very American and informal, and can get a little..weird sometimes.

Yuck, I'm actually reviewing books, *gasp!*
Anyways on a lighter note, you guys HAVE to watch this video! I've never seen such a giet cat!
(I'm rooting for the cat, dogs are dumb!)

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